Workout Tips for Busy Healthcare Providers
Any career in healthcare is busy, stressful, and sometimes emotional. Whether you work as an administrator or surgeon, after a long, hard day the last thing you’ll want to do is spend two hours in the gym. However, as a healthcare worker, it’s exceptionally important that you do your best to stay in great shape. It’ll help you to switch off and de-stress, help you stay fit and healthy, mean you are less likely to get ill yourself, increase your energy levels, and mean you are setting a fantastic example of how to look after yourself. So, here are some great tips to help you to fit exercise into your day.
Run, Walk or Cycle to Work
You’ve got to get there anyway, so use it as a chance to get some exercise while also doing your bit to reduce pollution. You’ll even save yourself a bit of money by not driving or paying for transport. Running or cycling to work can be a great exercise and especially good if you can shower when you arrive. Walking might not be high impact, but it’s still more exercise than you normally do if you are an administrator.
Take the Stairs
This might seem like a tiny change to your day. But, any extra activity, no matter how small, helps. If you walked up the stairs instead of getting in the elevator every time, your steps would quickly add up. An activity tracker is a great idea if you want to know how much difference these small changes make.
Do Yoga
Yoga is a great way to stretch and tone your muscles while helping you to relax and unwind. Yoga is ideal when you’re tired and you’ve been on your feet all day, as it can improve your circulation and mood.
Workout Early
When you’re busy it’s a great idea to fit a workout in early before you start your normal day. This means you start your day feeling happy and positive and don’t spend the whole day worried about having to exercise when you get home. This could be anything from an early run to a few yoga poses when you get out of bed.
Find Something You Love
The best way to make sure you stick to any exercise routine is to find one you love. You’ll be much more motivated and committed if it’s something that you look forward to doing. Some great examples include trying a team sport such as roller derby, soccer, basketball, classes at your local gym, dancing or long country walks. Remember, if you are moving, it counts!
Commit to a Schedule
Another great way to make sure you stick to an exercise regime is to write down a schedule. Add your workouts to your diary or planner, make sure you’ve got time for them and that you won’t be rushing to fit them in, and then stick to it. Things are much easier to stick to if they are written down and there are no easy excuses.
If you are interested in pursuing a career in health administration consider an online masters in health administration. An online MHA degree would give you all the skills and knowledge you need to get started. Just remember not to neglect your fitness while you study.
Do you have any great fitness tips? Tell us more in the comments!
I am trying really hard to get some workouts in lately , but i really hate the gym! Great tips!
Make sure you stay hydrated is the only other tip I have. Thanks for the great tips
These tips are extremely helpful. Scheduling time to work out is important.
I’ve always wanted to do Yoga but don’t know where to start or how to start. I think this will give me great advice and then some.
I am not good at exercising at all! I freely admit it. But I have to do something to keep up with the children!
Thank you for sharing all these tips for working out and staying fit. It is true if you write down every exercise you do you will stay with it longer.I am trying to find an exercise routine that I could handle .. I am 70 and I am way too Heavy. I have been letting my aches and pains get in the way. I also am prone to falling and I am on blood thinners because I have a history of Pulimary embolism and thrombophlebtis.. . I am trying to find an easier way to start.. Now while I am still able..
These are great tips for anyone really.
Thanks for the tips! committing to a schedule is the biggest thing for me. once you get into a habit it comes easier!
Thanks for the tips
Great tips! Exercise keeps your heart in good condition, helps you sleep well at night and keeps your joints from hurting.
These are great work out tip for healthcare providers. I can also use them. Thanks!
Thank you for the great tips.
Yoga is definitely a must try for me. I love taking classes for the exercise and for the socialization. Retirees and those working at home need both.
my dog and i wlak 6 mile 3 to 4 day week since i had heart problem
Great tips!
Awesome workout tips that REALLY work! Thanks for sharing!
These are great fitness suggestions for almost anyone. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for all of the tips.
some really good points and tips ,,hoping to get started again soon