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Health & Fitness

Why Essential Oils Make a Great Gift

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There are certain people that it’s hard to buy for, whether it’s Christmas, their birthday or another occasion. One gift that is gaining popularity is essential oils. Whether you buy a pre-made kit or put together one for the person you love, essential oils can make a great gift and here’s why.

You can tailor it to their needs

Many people have certain ailments, so you could choose them some oils that suit their conditions. This might include:

  • Lavender for those with stress and headaches
  • Ylang ylang to relieve worries and help them unwind
  • Eucalyptus for those who have a lot of colds and congestion
  • Geranium for dry skin

You can either buy them small bottles of oil, or pre-mix a concoction for them, depending on how confident you are with essential oils. 

It’s easy to find the essentials online

It is surprisingly easy to put together a starter kit for essential oils. Using a site such as Karma Living, you can find the right oils, plus bases, diffusers and much more. Many people like to put together their own kit and personalize it, but you can also buy ready made kits too if you aren’t sure what to include.

It’s a practical gift that’s also thoughtful

While essential oils are practical, and will no doubt be used every day, this kind of gift is also thoughtful. It shows that you know all about them and gives you a way of helping them with their ailments. Whether they need to relax more or have issues sleeping, essential oils show that you care.

Essential oils have been used for centuries

Lots of people got into essential oils in the last couple of decades when there was a trend for using them. But essential oils have actually been around for centuries. Before modern medicine, they were used in place of the treatments we now take for granted. If you know someone who is interested in alternative medicine, then essential oils can be a great gift.

Whether you know someone who is hard to buy for, or you have a loved one who is interested in different types of alternative healing, essential oils can make a great gift. They are easy to customise for different recipients, so you can give them a gift that’s personal as well as a lot of fun. All you need to do is find the oils that are right for them. 


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