Beauty & Fashion

SinfulColors for Summer, SILK + SATIN and FULL THROTTLE Nail Polish.

Disclosure: Howdy everyone, I wanted to inform you that I was not compensated for this post. However, I did receive a product and the opinions expressed in this post are 100% real and that of my own.

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Get ready to transform your nails with the SinfulColors Summer Collection. I will say I love nail polish and so do my girls! Many times throughout the summer time we get together to have our annual girls slumber party and yes, you better believe polishing each others nail is on our list of things to do.
So when SinfulColors sent us six of their cool summer polishes 3 each from both summer collections (Silk + Satin & Full Throttle), we were excited! The first set was their Silk + Satin collection, which is described as the new demi-matte silk texture. The rich matte shades with lustrous textures and bright summer colors are sure to enhanced any fashion outfit this summer!

silk +satin nail polish

This set comes with six polishes,

Matte About Blue: A matte-nificent cornflower blue

Pipaya: A soft flash of coral

Prime Purple: A delicate dose of lilac

Real Teal: A quiet mermaid green

Silver Solution: A gentle, shimmering

Solar Flux: A subtle touch of yellow

I adore the names of each one, so cute! No matter which color you decide to use each one will accent your outfit. From this collection I was sent the Matte About Blue: A matte-nificent cornflower blue, Solar Flux: A subtle touch of yellow & Silver Solution: A gentle, shimmering.

My youngest daughter was ready to give a few colors a try so off she went to do her nails. When she came back, she had made her own cute design. When I asked her how she felt about the SinfulColor Silk + Satin polish, she replied stating the colors are very cute and bright but beware you must apply at least three coats to actually get the best results. This collection texture appeared to be a little runny she mentioned. You have to watch how much you apply to the nail bed for the polish really grabs hold onto the brush which can add to much polish to the nails. She mentioned that the colors dried pretty fast and each of her nails appeared very ladylike. She also mentioned with this set she didn’t use a top coat base, but we all agreed that the Silver Solution was gorgeous!


SinfulColors Silk + Satin will be available at Walgreens and other mass retailers in July 2014.

The second summer collection I received was the SinfulColorsFull Throttle.


The Full Throttle collection are racy shades for summer in rubberized textures. The hues range from a radiant red to a powerful purple, and even a fiery orange. The five new colors are:

Rain Rubber: A brilliant burnout blue

Burn Rubber: A fiery-fueled orange

Race Rubber: A powerful punch of purple

Rubber Ball: A passionate pit stop pink

Red Tired: A racy, radiant red

This collection had both a shiny look and great texture. We tried out a few on my oldest daughter’s nails and the results to me from this collection were more favorable! To be honest, I like the Full Throttle selection way better, the texture and consistency mixture is great. This summer selection provided her nails with a great even application. Her nails appeared to be very smooth and shinny plus she didn’t have to apply so many applications like the Satin & Silk collection.


We also agreed that the Race Rubber: A powerful punch of purple was by far the prettiest color with or without topcoat. I have a few summer engagements coming up and intend to break out a few of these colors to accent my summer outfits.

SinfulColors Full Throttle will be available at Rite Aid in July 2014 and Walgreens in August.

So the next time you visit those retail stores listed above grab a few summer, cool, bright SinfulColors from their Silk + Satin & Full Throttle collection.

To keep up with SinFulColors connect with them via Facebook & Twitter:

Tell me what SinfulColor would you select to try out?




Disclosure: Howdy everyone, I wanted to inform you that I was not compensated for this post. However, I did receive a product and the opinions expressed in this post are 100% real and that of my own.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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