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Health & Fitness

Ways to Improve Yourself in 2019 and Beyond

We all want to be the best possible versions of ourselves. However, this is easier said than done. 2018 was a rough year for a lot of people, but with the new year just about a month old, there is no better time to start bettering yourself. In fact, most of the top new year’s resolutions have to do with improving yourself in some way.

However, some of us want to be better people, but we are unsure where to start or what to do. Thankfully, this article is here to help. In this article, we are going to look at several different ways you can improve yourself in 2019 and beyond.

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Get More Sleep

Unfortunately, no matter where you live, there is a good chance you are suffering from sleep deprivation. Data shows the world is suffering from a serious lack of sleep. While 8 hours of sleep used to be the average, now no country that participated in the study averages 8 hours a night. Most fall between 6 and 7, which isn’t enough for most people.

Getting more sleep will have several great benefits for you. You will be a happier person, be nicer and be much more productive at work. So if you want to get more sleep, you should, of course, get to bed earlier, but also give yourself an hour or so before bed to unwind and relax.

Challenge Yourself

While everyone wants to become a better person in some regard, very few people are able to do what it takes. If you want to improve some part of your life or get over fear or a problem, you need to put yourself out there and challenge yourself. Progress isn’t made within your comfort zone, it is made outside of it. So if you want to improve yourself, you have to be willing to challenge yourself.

This could be anything from doing one thing a day that scares you, to finally finishing that project you have always said you wanted to do. Challenging yourself and succeeding is contagious and once you start meeting and setting these goals, you will continue to do so. While challenging yourself can be emotional and tough, it can also change and improve who you are as a person.

Learn New Things

While many people think that learning stops after high school or university, this shouldn’t be the case. Learning throughout your adult life will not only keep your brain sharp, but it can also teach you valuable skills. The world is always changing, and you need to keep up with this change.

Whether you like to learn from reading books, taking on new experiences or listening to podcasts, we could all learn a little more in 2019. As for what you want to learn, that will depend on the things that interest you, your job, family and more.

Improve Your Financial Health

In addition to improving yourself as a person, it is also a good idea to improve yourself in a financial sense. There are plenty of things you can do to improve your financial health including saving more money, cutting down unnecessary expenses, making more money and paying down debt.

While staying debt-free all of 2019 is surely a go for some, debt is necessary for some people, especially those attending university, getting a new car or buying a home. If you need to borrow money this year, be sure to use a reputable lender (such as BingoLoans), and be sure to only borrow what you can afford to pay back.

Hopefully, this article has been able to inspire you to better yourself this year. Being a better person and living a better life definitely takes some time, but it will certainly be worth it in the end.



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