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Waterpik waterflosser, flossing made a lot easier at home!

It’s so important to make sure you are properly flossing everyday for brushing your teeth is just not enough. It’s a routine that should be implemented in your household everyday. I use my waterpik  waterflosser all the time! I know when using it, I’m getting a superior combination of both “Water Flossing & Sonic Brushing” and it’s 159% more effective than manually brushing. I hate it when I get food caught in between my teeth even when brushing sometimes won’t remove the food particles, that’s when I use my waterflosser. Setting it to the appropriate number gives me the ability to clean with force or gently cleaning my gums.  I’ve heard many people say they only brush and floss when necessary but little do they know that’s not the way to take care of your gums and teeth.Good oral hygiene should be used and taught to your children as soon as their little teeth come in.

Are you aware that more Americans suffer everyday from Gum Disease, which not only causes bad breath but can also lead to systemic disease like, heart, diabetic, and low birth diseases.

I love seeing my daughter practice good oral hygiene in the mornings. I express this daily with her and my other children. They just had their dental check up  and all was good. When asked by her Dentist what is her daily flossing and brushing routine she shared with him how she uses her Water Flosser  and brushes her teeth twice a day. To  see the smile on his face let me know we are right on track with keeping her teeth and gums healthy!

Little did she know, her water flosser is 3x more effective and is 1000x more fun!!

Here are a few good tips to encourage your children to use good oral hygiene daily!

1) Never use your teeth to rip open packages, it’s not good hygiene!
2) Purchase sugar free gum
4) Can’t help but stress this the most…Drink plenty of water!
5) Keep mouthwash
6) Daily flossing

All these tips are to be implemented daily in order to keep good oral hygiene and healthy gums. Take your oral hygiene serious for it will help to prevent other medical illnesses.

Waterpik Water Flosser for kids has a Back To School savings, grab your $10 savings coupon which can be found on Facebook. You can also get a $10 savings coupon on the Complete Care system which can be found on their newest website WaterPik’s .

Disclaimer Statement

I received one or more of the products mentioned above from Waterpik/Water Flosser at no charge for review purposes only. All opinions expressed are 100% my own and were not influenced by any other source. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

12 thoughts on “Waterpik waterflosser, flossing made a lot easier at home!

  • Great post thanks for sharing the information!

  • Honestly, I hate flossing. I really need one of these! I’ve always wondered how well they actually work. Thanks for your opinions!

  • I really need to floss regularly, we have a bad history of gum disease in our family, so I really need to watch it!

  • My 11 yr. old son has to get braces this year. I will definitely look into getting a Waterpik for him to use.

  • Great tips. My kids would love this.

  • This is a great review. I read this to my son and of course..he wants one!!!

  • I didn’t know a water flosser would be that effective. I’ll have to check that out for my kids. It’s nearly impossible to get them to floss!

  • My children can use one of these, Oral Hygiene is so important but its always a fighting battle for the little one! Great Review!

  • Very good tips! I think its very important as well.

  • Great review. Oral hygiene is so important and is something I wish my mother had done better with me growing up.

  • Thanks for the tips! I am actually pretty bad about opening things with my teeth. It’s good to know that the water flosser is easy enough for young kids to use.


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