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Home & Garden

Rollaway vs Air Mattress/Bed: Which one is right for your room

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If you have occasional guests coming over and do not intend to dedicate a bed to the guest room, there is nothing wrong with it. A bed when left unused for a long time needs maintenance from time to time that can get difficult for several.

The best replacement to a bed for the guests is the rollaway mattress or the air mattress. While both of them can be kept away and brought out whenever required, there are several who often gets into a dilemma on which to choose. Each has their own set of benefits but have demerits as well.

Here is a quick comparison on which to choose based on the pros and cons of each.

Air Mattress


  • Air mattresses do not sag as it has air filled in it that makes it firm. When anyone sleeps on it, there is nothing that is soft of uncomfortable underneath.
  • It can be folded and kept away in the cupboard only to be taken out as and when required while saving up a lot of space for you.
  • You can take it outdoors too and isn’t something that is limited to the room.
  • There are no changes in dust mites or bed bugs attacking it as there is no foam or sponge underneath.
  • It is a great thing for kids who love bouncy beds while they sleep.


  • There are chances of it being deflated with a single prick. It could be the fingernails or even sharp embellishments in clothes.
  • They do not often come with a with a warranty, and therefore the manufacturers do not take the guarantee to replace it even when it gets damaged accidentally.
  • The pump creates a lot of noise which can often be disturbing when you want to inflate it instantly whenever there is a guest at home who intends to sleepover.

Rollaway mattress


    • These are durable stuff which has a metal frame and a mattress attached to it. They can easily be opened up and folded without getting damaged.
    • When guests sleep on these mattresses, they get a comfortable sleep as the mattresses are often made of memory foam and are made for such foldable beds. Foldupmattress.com has a great list on this type of mattress.
  • It can be folded easily and moved whenever you want it to be placed. Once you are done with it, you can simply roll it along and store it.


  • If you have a small house and limited storage space, these beds aren’t a great deal to crack as you wouldn’t know where to keep it safe.
  • There are times when you buy cheap rollaway mattresses; you do not pay heed to the guarantee that the manufacturers give for the mattress. While it stays folded for a long time when not in use, you may find it damaged when opened after a long time.

While here is a quick comparison on the two types of mattress, it depends on your requirements and preferences to make the final choice.



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