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KidKraft, My Dreamy Doll House review!!

My daughter was so excited when she saw this box leaning up against the wall in our den. I didn’t say anything I  just waited until she came home from school. All I heard was a big scream and her asking if she could open it.

It was delivered to us from KidKraft. KidKraft is one of the leading kids toy and furniture manufacturers and distributor store that carries toys that will allow your childs imagination to flourish. All their unique toys and licensed products are designed by engineers who not only designed great quality toys and furniture, they also made sure to make each product appealing and fun for kids.

KidKraft was established in 1968 and has been proven to be a pioneer in their industry for 40 years. When we opened the box, everyone was shocked as to how many panels and windows there were as with all the accessories that we had to put together. It was a huge box with lots of required parts.

 It took my daughter three days to put the “My Dreamy Dollhouse”  from KidKraft together. I wasn’t able to assist her for my back was out. I told her lets wait a few days but what little girl you know would want to wait. This doll house is every little girls dream. As a child my parents always made sure we had doll houses to play with but back in those days(watch it, I’m not that old) lol, they were not like the doll houses of today. This doll house is elegant, colorful, well structured and designed to make any girl *smile*!

Second day after she did her homework, she started right on putting the panels and windows together. I’ve never saw such a big smile on her face as she was putting this cute Dreamy Dollhouse together. All the panels and floors were done but she still needed to complete the last level. Yes, there is three levels to this beauty and from the looks of it , she is almost finished.This Awesome dollhouse even has an elevator, now that is cool!

Well we are coming upon the last day and all I can say about KidKraft is, thanks for making toys and furniture for our children. Good quality products that is sure to make every child happy and products that even help to bring out the child in some of us adults. Here is the ending results all put together by my youngest daughter;

What a BEAUTY and all so worth it just by the way she was smiling. It has many great accessories, a cute  hanging floral basket on the side porch, purple bed & vanity on top floor, lovely lounger and lamp plus the cool piano that actually plays a sweet tune. I love that myself…lol. Really cool elevator for her dolls to be able to go floor to floor, bathtub, a toilet that flushes..that’s funny too also a pretty pink table and chair set with a play cake on top.

Now what child wouldn’t like to have this Magnificent My Dreamy Dollhouse, it’s a dollhouse that will make any girls dreams come true. So grab those dolls and mom too and spend some good quality time playing with this beautiful dollhouse in the comfort of your daughters room. I plain too, once my back gets better! It’s been a while since I’ve seen my daughter, she has been in her room a lot more lately playing with her cool house.

You can find so many wonderful toys and furniture from KidKraft, doll houses, kitchens, rockers,princess vanity & stool, train sets and much more.

They even have cool beds, outdoor products and your child can have his or her own personalized product…..they can accommodate you with that as well.

So don’t hesitate to visit KidKraft. let them help your children to Live, Learn n Play!! You can also connect with them on Facebook, Twitter.

I can hear every girl saying, Mommy all I want for Christmas is a My Dreamy Doll House from KidKraft!

Great Christmas Gift! *smiling*

Disclaimer Statement

I received one or more of the products mentioned above from KidKraft at no charge for review purposes only. All opinions expressed are 100%my own and were not influenced by any other source. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

9 thoughts on “KidKraft, My Dreamy Doll House review!!

  • I love KidKraft products!

  • I love that Harley Davidson rocker

  • Oh I remember having a doll house when I was a little girl. One of my favorite toys!! This one is beautiful!

  • what a nice looking doll house–it looks like it will last quite a while. Its bright and colorful too. I love that fact that homework came first–we are alike in that respect! hope she has years of fun ahead of her 🙂

  • How I long to be a little girl again. lol. This brings back so many childhood memories from when my sister bought me my first dollhouse. It had chandelier that actually lit up and it was huge. This one is so cute and I can’t believe your daughter put it together. Thanks for the review. I will be looking into these when we get a bigger house. I want one!!

  • I am super impressed that your daughter was able to put this together! It looks like so much fun and I’m sure she’ll enjoy it for years.

  • That Doll house is amazing! It is definitely every girls dream!! Kudos to your daughter for putting in the time and effort in putting it together herself! I love that it includes realistic sounds like the toilet etc.

  • That dollhouse looks super fabulous and durable too! I am sure it will be a favorite toy for years to come. Thanks so much for sharing!!

  • That dollhouse looks super fabulous! It looks like something that would be a favorite for years! Thanks so much for sharing!!


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