
Soda Sparkle, making your own Soda at home!

I received the Soda Sparkle not to long ago and I couldn’t wait to share it with the family. I had never heard of this particular soda maker so I was excited to see how the results would be in making my own soda at home.
Soda Sparkle lets you turn your tap water into carbonated drinks as simple as one, two, three all done in the comforts of your home. No more mess of  having to clean up excess waste of bottles/cans.Reduces waste collection tremendously
Another good thing about Soda Sparkle is, it helps to save our environment from all those plastic bottles and cans that we use daily. It is safe and comes with two bottles that can be used over and over again. Not a counter top appliance, unit is compact and stores quickly out of sight. You can take it anywhere you go.

I opened my box to find theses items included:

 SodaSparkle Soda Maker Machine (Chamber and nozzle screws tightly onto the bottle when preparing carbonated water)

1.3 L PET Re-usable bottle (BPA Free) – Light Fizz
1 L PET Re-usable bottle (BPA Free) – Extra Fizz
5 One time use, Recyclable CO2 Chargers
15 assorted, single serving All natural flavor packets (3 of each flavor).

We decided to try something different with our soda mixer, you don’t have to use the soda sticks always, you can be creative with this system. We decided to mix up our own kiddie soda drink with a little twist. Here is what we did, we chose the pineapple flavor stick, orange juice and a little taste of lemon. We took the pineapple stick and the lemon juice and the orange juice and mixed it with the carbonated water, once we had used one of the soda chargers with the charger activating body and …here is our results.

A tasty fruit drink with good flavor and a few added fruits on the side of glass….my kids call it their little kiddo concoction. LOL.

I couldn’t help but LOL when they said concoction. I tasted it and it did have a great taste.

So you see, you don’t have to make soda you can make all types of drinks with this cool home soda maker.

·     Aside from the normal everyday flavors, SodaSparkle introduces new Flavors that  are exotic and unique…non repetitive of the usual market offerings.One time use chargers are fully recyclable, no need for refills. Just use them and throw them in the recycling. Patented Dual Safety Valves prevents build up of bottle pressures making it safe to use for the whole family.

·     Use cold water and keep refrigerated for best carbonation results and hand wash bottles only!

 You can visit their site to learn more and you can also visit their facebook.

Disclaimer Statement

  I received one or more of the products mentioned above from Soda Sparkle at no charge for review purposes only. All opinions expressed are 100%my own and were not influenced by any other source. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

14 thoughts on “Soda Sparkle, making your own Soda at home!

  • We used to have one when I was a teen. A carbonator-thingie. Was always popular with my friends.

    Besos, Sarah
    Zookeeper at Journeys of The Zoo

  • I’m not much of a fan of soda but I like the reuse idea behind the product..thanks for sharing!


  • Thank you also for stopping by my little blog 🙂 … I am not sure if my earlier comment about your post here was recorded I’ll come back later and see (hugs)

  • hmmm admittedly i like the reuse aspect…. if the bottles can go in the dishwasher. 🙂 LOL

  • I would love to have one of these, it would be great for my family!

  • This looks so neat! And easy to use…great review!

  • That’s really neat! My kids would love to pour in their own flavors. Of course it probably wouldn’t taste the best!

  • This looks really cool. You make it sound like so much fun.

  • I love the idea of reusable bottles to make things we already use. Thanks for sharing your review!

  • I think I’d like to try these. I love that it helps the environment.

  • This is the first time I’ve heard of Soda Sparkle. I love making soda at home!

  • I really want one of those =) I’ll check their website!!!


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