
How to Select a Law School 

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Choosing your college is one of the incredibly serious decisions you will take in your life. Even before you apply, you have to start evaluating the different aspects that will come into play. While some students might find ranking the most important factor, for others, it might be the tuition costs. 

In order to find a school that best fits your needs, you have to know what aspects you need to consider. 


Assess Yourself 

Once you have your LSAT score and GPA, you can find out which colleges are more likely to welcome you. The general philosophy in choosing schools to apply to is that you need to have an ambition and match it with reality. At the same time, you also need to think of safety schools, which you are sure you can get into. 

For most applicants, choosing the dream college is the easy part. But when it comes to picking the choices that can realistically work for you, you will need to assess what your requirements are and what your chances are to get into such schools. 


In the US, the most well-known accreditation for law schools is provided by the American Bar Association. If you graduate from an ABA law school, you will be able to sit for bar exams in any state. 

The alternative is to go for state-accreditation, such as Caliber. However, these have different criteria in order to apply for a license. For instance, if you study at Stanford Law, one of the best schools in California, you will have to practice in the state for three to five years. Only then will you be eligible to appear for bar exams. 


Most law schools offer a similar curriculum when it comes to core courses. You will learn about civil procedures, criminal law, legal research, contracts, torts, and many more. 

Depending on your college, it will vary which are the required courses and which are electives. These electives will vary widely from one school to another. Additionally, there are also colleges that incorporate more practical experience in their offerings. Make sure you check the official website to see which colleges have classes that align the most with your interests. 

School Offerings 

College life is not only about academics. You are to gain life experiences as well as exposure, which is what you need to consider the size of the class, the background, and what resources are offered on campus. Try to learn about the faculty and their expertise, the library facilities, clinical programs, moot court competitions, and more. 

These aspects play a crucial role in shaping you as a lawyer. Also, check whether there are if the college attracts recruiters from any top law firms that can help you snatch an associate job as soon as you graduate. 


Law schools are not famous for being cheap. In fact, tuition at top law schools will be in the range of hundreds of thousands of dollars. In addition to this, you will also have to consider personal expenses and other costs of living. 

If you need help with the finances, check with the college to find out whether they offer any grants or scholarships. You could also look into financial aids provided by private organizations. Moreover, you also need to know whether you are eligible for these programs.

When it comes to choosing a law school, planning is the key. If you need further information regarding a school, do not hesitate to reach out to the admission office or already enrolled students. Armed with information, you will be able to make a decision that will work out the best for you. 



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