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Compete with the Big Guns Of SEO

When creating a marketing campaign, one of the main issues for smaller businesses is budget. Large companies can throw thousands of dollars or more into advertising and with this can appear everywhere. With this in mind it can be difficult to know how to compete as a smaller business with limited funds. One way to compete without having to buy up expensive and space in magazines and on TV is to invest in SEO. If you are looking for an excellent web hosting provider, find the best ones on Hosting Foundry.

SEO, or search engine optimization, is the strategy of creating content that is optimized for searches that are closely related to your users in order to rank in Google for that keyword. Need professional help with breaking this dense material down? KnP Net Media SEO comes highly recommended.

 Below are several strategies you can take to help you compete against larger companies using SEO.

 Long tail keywords- long tail keywords are defined as search terms with over two or three words in them, and are generally specific, rather than broad. For example, a short tail, broad, keyword would be ‘trainers”. This keyword has 673,000 monthly global searches. To someone new to SEO, this may seem like a perfect keyword to target for a fashion retailer, as it has a huge search volume.

There is an issue with this keyword though – because it is so broad it becomes a very competitive keyword to target, and many large companies are targeting it. Instead, it is recommended that you focus on specific keywords such as ‘the best running shoes for cross country’. This keyword has far less search volume, but is also going to be far less competitive, meaning that it will be easier to rank as a smaller business.

Get local – in order to compete with bigger companies, getting local can be a very powerful strategy. Similar to the last point, the more specific your keyword targeting is the easier it is to rank. If you are a tree surgeon, rather than targeting generic tree surgeon services, where you will be competing against big companies, make these locations based. This levels the competition significantly. A good way to use this strategy is to hire a local seo agency. If you are, as an example, from Toronto, you will look for SEO Toronto companies to help you out. This decision can help you make a more significant impact on your marketing efforts. Do not forget you always can attend seo conferences https://seomeetup.com/blog/seo-conferences to learn the seo marketing.

To take this a step further, an additional strategy is not only to target the main city you operate in but also all of the smaller estates and towns around it. These keywords will have quite small search volume, with maybe only a dozen people searching per month, but if you can rank for a ten or more areas like this the amount of traffic you can acquire will add up significantly.

 Form partnerships – as large companies may focus on broad keywords, they will most likely be targeting large websites to partner with as well. By partnering with smaller companies, you may not be able to get thousands of hits in referral traffic, but the partnerships will be far easier to form, and it is likely that the content will be of better quality. Large publishers are saturated with companies reaching out for guest posts and partnerships and are likely to reject most of these, but smaller blogs are as keen to get additional content as you are. This means that the partnership will be much easier to form and by partnering with many other companies of this size the effectiveness of these combined can be significant.




Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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