Home & Garden

Choosing the Right Exterior Materials that Fits with Home Style

Photo by: Industrial Photograph  from  Canva 

One of the oddly satisfying things about house remodeling is choosing the right exterior materials and seeing them gradually realized into the house of your dreams.

There are so many options when it comes to materials for updating your home’s exterior that you’ll never run out of ideas.  You have a broad selection, including colors and textures galore!

In this article, we introduce you to some of these so that hopefully, when selecting materials that you’ll use for your home exterior design, you will have some ideas on where or how to make house remodeling fun, simple, budget-friendly, and unique. 

When selecting materials for your home, it’s important to consider your home style and the climate where you live. For example, homes in climates with freezing winters will likely need a different type of material than homes in a warm and humid climate.


Brick is a popular choice for homes because it comes in many colors and styles and lasts a long time. It does not absorb heat like some other materials, so it’s a good option for climates with hot summers.


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Stone is a durable material that can last for many years, but it can be expensive. It is, however, good at absorbing heat and may not be the best option for climates with hot summers, so it is better suited for homes in more temperate areas.


There are many different types of finishes that you can get for your home, and one such option is stucco. It is one of the oldest construction materials known to humans that its earliest forms were around 1400 BCE.

Modern uses of stucco have been used in construction since the early 1800s when it was first introduced as an attractive alternative to brick building materials because of its lightweight texture.  It makes them easier to work with, especially since stucco gives off less dust during installation.   This also helped those living nearby maintain a healthier environment healthier, especially for kids who might be playing outside near busy roadways (not to mention all those traffic noise interruptions!).

Stucco is a versatile material that comes in many colors and textures. It’s also water-resistant and lasts a long time.


Photo by: zurijeta  from  Canva 


Wood is a natural medium that adds warmth to a house facade. It needs to be treated regularly to protect it from weathering, but it can add character to a home’s exterior.

Wood Siding:

Wood siding is a beautiful and timeless exterior material that can be found in many different kinds of wood, including pine or fir. It is also available as an engineered version of real wood, but with more durable qualities that lasts longer than traditional hunks of peeled planks attached to your home’s wall. The natural look created by this siding complements almost every architectural style out there 一 making it one choice not to overlook if you’re looking for something new on the market.


Siding is a popular choice because it comes in a variety of colors and styles, and can also be painted to match any color scheme.  It is also affordable and may help protect the exterior of your house.


Photo credit & Photo by  tinabelle Getty Images Pro


Vinyl is a durable and affordable option that comes in many colors and styles. It doesn’t need to be painted and it’s resistant to weathering.

When it comes to the exterior of your custom home, there are many great choices.   Occasionally, you also get to encounter innovations made of materials to help your home last longer.

Sounds complicated, right?  But there is no cause of worry 一 choosing the right material, in itself, is like that of an adventure.  You get to explore them whether online, or through the local store, and the exploration in itself is both a learning that is meant to be enjoyed.

If you do feel overwhelmed by the multitude of materials available in the market, you could always go back to the basics by getting the advice of a trusted house design and construction specialist.



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