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5 Important Ways to Prepare Before a First Date

First dates can be exciting, but for many people, they often cause feelings of anxiety. Between picking the best date activity, choosing the perfect outfit, and coming up with topics of conversation, you might find yourself in over your head.

Whether you’re going on a date through sugar momma dating apps or planning for a long-awaited dinner with your crush, here are some of the top ways to ease your anxiety and prepare for your first date.

Choose a great location

Dinner and a movie might seem like the go-to first date option, but plenty of other dates can encourage conversation. If you happen to know some of the interests of your date, you can always choose an activity or location that you both like, such as going for a stroll in the park or checking out your local bookstore.

Keep in mind that this date shouldn’t be an all-day affair. The worst thing you can do is pick a lengthy date only to find that you don’t click in the first 20 minutes. As such, you should try to keep the first date casual, maybe by going to a coffee shop or a bar for a few drinks. Save the boat tours in Jupiter for the ninth or 10th date.

Come up with conversation-starters in advance

As much as you’d love to know about how your date’s day is going, this might not lead to the most interesting conversations. Planning a few open-ended questions in advance can help reveal interesting aspects of your date’s personality and goals, leading to better conversation. This is especially beneficial for people who suffer from social anxiety and may find themselves floundering on a date.

Studies have found that your date isn’t interested in empty compliments or cheesy pickup lines. Rather, you should ask questions that engage your partner’s intellect, curiosity, or culture. Try asking about a first childhood memory or what a perfect day would look like.

You should also try to avoid talking about controversial topics. Even though 80 percent of singles say they’re willing to discuss any topic on a first date, you might end up looking aggressive or unattractive when you talk politics. While these are important points to know about your partner, you can save the heavy questions for later dates.

Take good care of yourself the night before

Stewing about how your date is going to go the next day won’t help you. Rather, getting a good night’s sleep and planning a comfortable, stylish outfit should be on the top of your to-do list. While you might not need to treat yourself to a pedicure or haircut, engaging in a particularly special activity might make you feel more at ease. Try indulging in a massage to work out some of your tension. This can also reduce your stress and help ease anxiety.

Choose a comfortable outfit that you feel confident wearing

While you want to impress your date with your gorgeous good looks, you also want to be comfortable. To give your date the best impression of yourself, wear an outfit that you’d normally wear day-to-day. You can dress it up with high heels or eyeliner if you want, but being your most authentic self will be your most attractive accessory. Ensure that your outfit is suitable for the setting of your date and showcase your confidence.

Have fun

Many people look at first dates with too much trepidation. After all, this is the person you might spend the rest of your life with.

If you go in with this attitude, your date is destined to fail. It’s essential that first daters don’t build up extreme expectations that a date can’t hope to meet. Instead of fretting over the little details, just try to have fun getting to know someone. Coming at a first date with a lighthearted attitude will ensure you have a good time, even if the date is a flop.



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