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Many accidents occur on the roads every day. Each one of them is unique since different vehicles and individuals are involved. Some involve injuries; some do not. Some involve severe car damages, while others involve minor damages-that what makes the difference between a grisly car accident and a minor car accident. Not all situations require an accident attorney, but some complicated cases will require expert knowledge in legal matters to show you the way forward. Remember that insurance companies have lawyers too, and if they are against you in the case, then there are high prospects of you losing if you don’t have a lawyer to represent you. The question is, when do you need to contact a Portland injury lawyer if involved in an accident? Find the answers here.


If you have serious injuries

Injuries are prone to happen in an accident, and they are usually out of our control. When you suffer injuries resulting from a car accident, you will need medical funds to facilitate the treatment. Car accidents injuries can be severe and can leave one with a permanent disability, which means that the treatment doesn’t come cheap. The fault driver is liable for your medical treatment. Even if you have the insurance or funds, seek the medical treatment first and then contact an injury lawyer during or after to help you seek medical compensation.

You are not able to work due to the injury.

Accidents can leave you permanently disabled and with psychomotor challenges. If that happens, you may not be able to work again. In such a case, you will need income compensation since you have no way of fending for yourself anymore. The compensation may include the psychological trauma you suffer, financial stress, the pain your family members suffer from the accident, and so forth. An injury attorney can identify the right amount of compensation you deserve.

If you are not sure of who is at fault

Confusions and disagreements are bound to happen due to an accident, especially when both drivers are not sure who is at fault. In such cases, the insurance firm may try to blame you for the accident to avoid compensating your damages. That is when you need an accident attorney most. He/she will help defend your rights and protect you from unjustified counterclaims.

When the accident involves several parties

When there are many people involved in the accident, for instance, several vehicles and other passengers, it is easy for your medical bills to be left unpaid. To avoid that, you need an injury attorney’s help to seek your compensation as an individual. For instance, when several insurance companies are involved, it is easy to lose the case if you don’t have legal representation. Injury attorneys have the expertise to deal with accident cases involving several insurance companies to defend their clients.

When the insurance firm holds or denies your compensation

If the insurance firm denies or tries to dodge you around when you seek compensation, it is time to hire a lawyer. They may try to buy time to beat you into submission and give up on the case. Do not let that happen; hire an injury attorney to represent you.

The final words

Generally, when involved in a car accident, and the circumstances are unclear to you, it is essential to seek an injury attorney’s counsel.


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