
What to Write about Yourself on a Dating Website

Online dating is becoming more popular each year. This is confirmed by the ever-growing number of special services and the fact that at least a third of Internet users around the world at least once used dating websites.

Despite the fact that virtual acquaintances are in many ways easier than offline ones, the first impression remains one of the most important factors that determine whether the relationship will go beyond the first ‘like’ for a beautiful photo. This means that what you write in your profile is extremely important.

We suggest that you go over the main recommendations of what and how to write on your page on a dating website not only to attract attention but also to interest a person who can become your soulmate.

And yes, these recommendations are relevant for both, men and women, so read carefully and apply in practice!


The Story Begins with the First Sentence

Come up with an ‘introduction’ that briefly, clearly, and succinctly describes you as a person. In fact, it is more difficult than it might seem. But, ultimately, the first phrase is exactly what other users will pay attention to and base their impression of you on.

Here are several examples.

● “I like fairytales, but instead of a prince on a white horse I prefer a lover of video games, sushi and husky.”

● “I have many ‘bad’ habits: I always remember anniversaries, I love cats, and I get along with children.”

● “I dream of spending my life traveling to different countries. I am looking for a wonderful companion who is ready to share and make my dream come true.”

What you Like is as Important as How you Look

According to statistics, 64% of visitors of dating websites consider that interests are more important than a photo. Of course, a good photo is the first thing a user of any dating service reacts to. But behind the photo, there should always be something that adds to your value and makes people want to get to know you better.

Remember, that further relationship, as well as its foundation, depend on how close in spirit the stranger is. Passion is the perfect foundation for a beautiful short-term romance. But for a strong union something more profound is needed. Therefore, do not be afraid to share your interests, hobbies, and passions.

Surely, you will be more comfortable if you spend a cozy evening hugging and watching a movie that both of you like, rather than arguing which is better: a historical drama or a Disney cartoon. Arguments will cause as much stress if one of you dreams of a cat, and the other one does not tolerate pets at all.

It’s not necessary to list every little thing, but it’s important to mention what is really important for you and your potential partner.

Also, do not overdo it with negative comments. You can certainly talk about things that you don’t like or which upset you, but do not get too carried away.

Expectations of a Future Partner are not the List of Technical Features

One of the significant elements of your profile on a dating website is the purpose for which you registered on the website and whom you are looking for. However, a reasonable approach is important in everything. There is no need to post an unemotional list of 45 qualities that your partner must have because you are looking for a person, not a multifunctional microwave.

It is best to think in this case with images as if describing the hero of a novel. “I hope to find an open-minded and honest girl who likes long walks, the smell of a fire and the starry sky above her head.” Or, for example, “I am looking for a strong man who is not afraid to be weak and to reveal his feelings. I want him to hold my hand when I am hurting, and I want him to ask for help when he needs it.”

These are just examples. Just try to invest a piece of your soul if you really want to find a true emotional connection.

Ways to Write in Your Profile. Several Recommendations

Now we’ll go over the main recommendations about what you should pay attention to and what you should avoid when you fill out your page on a dating website:

  1. Write without mistakes. A vast majority of users on dating websites have confirmed that illiteracy pushes away even if a person is physically attractive.

  2. Do not be afraid to make jokes but do not turn your page into a collection of memes and jokes. This also includes famous quotes and expressions.

  3. Do not try to impress the visitors of your profile with difficult terminology in an attempt to prove your level of intelligence and competence in a certain area.

  4. Use clear friendly language but do not forget about the specifics of an age group you are targeting. Otherwise, you may be misunderstood.

  5. Do not lie. Every second user of a dating website lies on their page (men lie about their financial status, whereas women lie about their age). Any lie will eventually come up and the consequences may ruin the relationship.

Remember, building an online relationship requires sincerity, openness, and patience just like in the real world. Be yourself and you will definitely find the right person.

Article source: online video chat CooMeet.


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