
What to Do the Day Before University Exams?

After days and days of studying those damned books spent a bit at home, a bit in the library, a bit you don’t know where, the fateful day is approaching: tomorrow you have that exam, and you can’t use a paper writer during it (sadly)!

A mixture of anxiety, the desire to get it over with, the desire to give my best and yes, even a little bit of desperation, animate the young student who wakes up the morning before an exam and thinks: “Today I have to play my last cartridges because the time is really up. “

I think we all understand the topic of my new article: what to do the day before an exam?!

Let’s start immediately by saying that there are students and students who have different reactions based mainly on some factors such as personal propensity to anxiety from exams, the study method we use to face the study of each exam and, finally, the degree. preparation for that specific exam.

But let’s go straight to the point by bringing everything back in a somewhat forced way to two main categories:

  • The anxious student who has not yet finished the program or in any case does not remember all the topics.
  • The student who knows he has studied well that, yes, he has some memory holes, but all in all he is prepared and does not have too much anxiety.

Based on the 2 types of students, let’s get to what you should do as a student. Also, regardless of the type of student that you are, you can still always employ essay writers to focus on studying.


First case: you are not prepared at the right point and anxiety is devouring you

Ok, it must be said that those who find themselves in this situation should first understand what their mistakes are, but not the day before the exam… Better the one after! The temptation to study all day reading as hard as I can is very high. In reality, as written above, it is the most wrong.

Rather you need a last-minute action plan.

1. Where Are You on the Program? Books, Diagrams and Summaries

If you have at least read everything once, perhaps summarized or made some diagrams, the advice is NOT to open the book. There is no time to reread everything, and you should throw yourself headlong into the things you have already summarized or schematized.

By taking advantage of the quick reading technique, you can re-read your summaries/notes, underline the keywords and try to write a quick mind map of each topic without going into the main details.

The ideal would be to use all morning for this type of activity, as well as use to deal with all upcoming assignment deadlines.

2. Use Logic, Repeat and Get Help

At this point you can dedicate the afternoon as follows:

  • Quickly check all the maps you wrote in the morning
  • Arrange them all together on the table to see the macro links
  • Pick one at random and repeat the topic. If you can connect it, proceed by connections, if you can’t remove that map, you just repeated and move on to the next one.

The best thing would be to then repeat aloud with a partner who simulates the questions (you can switch roles during the repetition session).

The centered knot is not knowing everything by heart but showing that the main concepts have been understood.

3. Stop Yourself – Too Much Study Is Counterproductive

Ok, you haven’t studied in the past few weeks, and you are doing the final marathon.

You have understood how to recover thanks to the selection of the main topics, their quick reading and the use of maps and diagrams. Then you have had the opportunity to repeat also looking for the logical connections.

At some point, however, you have to put a stop to it, you cannot study 15 hours in a row, going to bed late and risking arriving the next day totally exhausted for the exam, it will only be counterproductive. 

Rather rested, go to bed early and the next day, if you have a few hours before the exam, quickly scan all the maps, focusing on the questions you remember least.

Second Case – You Have Studied Well and Have a Good Preparation

In this case, congratulations, your day before the exam will certainly be less jagged and calmer.

Finally, the advice is always one relax! 

Now you will ask yourself: “How do relax before an exam?”.

It’s simple, dedicate half the day to yourself: do some sport, meet up with a friend, watch a couple of episodes of a television series. Get your mind completely distracted from college. After a good night’s sleep, you will be ready for exam day!

To Sum Up

Ok, we have reached the end of this article. We have seen how there are different possibilities the day before the exams, given by: personal character, level of preparation, anxiety, etc.

For convenience, however, we have grouped the students into two groups: those who are not prepared and those who are prepared.

In both cases, we have given useful tips to review and techniques to repeat. Lastly, always make sure to read up on how you can become a better student – The Top 5 Tips to Writing an Amazing College Paper.

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