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What Is Traffic and How to Attract it to the Site?

Any online store will bend over if visitors do not come to the site. Even if you have the widest range of goods, excellent quality, and professional sellers – all this will sink into oblivion, because there will be absolutely no one to learn about it. So, you need to attract traffic to the site. How – read about it in our new article.

What is Internet traffic?

This is the number of visitors who visit the site of your online store. We will not go ahead and think about how many of them will pass through the narrow neck of the sales funnel and make the final order. Let’s stop at the very first stage. So, the traffic is the number of people who came to the site within a certain time limit. For example, one hundred people a month is extremely small. This is negligible. One hundred a day is better, but still not enough. After all, as we remember, not all of these hundred will make an order – it is good if one or two people. The rest will just wander the pages of the site, study the range of products, and maybe run a glance at the goods and close the tab.

One hundred people per hour – that’s more or less a good result. But to achieve it – you need to try and do some work.  We will tell you about it today.

How to attract traffic to the site?

As you have already understood, you can try to do it without having a large budget – for example, with the help of interesting content. Or still for money. Let’s consider both ways.

Free methods

  1. Write a good useful article and offer it in the cool online magazines. Perhaps you will be allowed to put a link to your online store – that’s the traffic.

What to write about? About what you are well versed in – that is, in e-commerce. Tell us about your business, about formation and development, about lifehacks and subtleties of work – everything that can be useful to readers. Interesting cases from the practice always go great. But you don’t have to be trivial and ordinary truths – the Internet is filled with it a little less than completely.

Actually, you can write an article and for your blog – only be sure to announce it in social networks or on thematic forums. From the announcement much depends – come up with a catchy title and write a vivid introduction. And most importantly, more benefits!

For better integration of online store and social networks, screw the popular social networks on the site, enter authorization with the help of accounts in social networks, including the possibility of commenting on the blog.


  1. Organize the contest and tell about it in mass media, social networks, and thematic forums. One of the conditions is to register in the online store. This method is conditionally free: you still have to pay for the prizes. But all this does not go in any comparison with the number of subscribers who will become potential customers of your online store.


  1. Offer people free tutoring. Take your time and record a series of training videos or texts and place them in thematic publicity or magazines. People love it.


  1. Don’t hesitate to advertise competitors or third-party sites: give links to their resources and report them positively. You’ll play a great service to them: readers will be interested and follow the link, which means more traffic. Self-respecting companies are sure to follow up on any references to themselves and perhaps give a link back to your online store. This means that your traffic will increase.

Just write to competitors and directly ask for cooperation. Cross-marketing – a useful thing: you PR another resource, it’s you. And in the end, both of you win.

You don’t need to write badly about competitors: you run the risk of return fire. And it is unknown who will be believed more: you or them.

  1. Register in search engines: Google and others. This will give you additional traffic without much effort. Moreover, Mageworx extensions may be profitable in this case. To break into the top of the search, you need to properly optimize the site: prescribe meta-tags – title and description, make up the semantic core of the site, saturate the texts with keys – but not curves, but quite readable.

Perhaps compete with well-known online stores will not be easy: then come to the aid of contextual advertising and other paid ways to attract traffic.

  1. Let’s link to your site on a variety of resources. For example, register on the freelance exchange, order an article for the blog and in the TOR give a link to your site. Check with any trading aggregator, where you also give links to the online store.

Paid methods

  1. Contextual advertising. This is the Alpha and Omega of all advertising campaigns on the Internet. Without contextual advertising, we have to admit, attract traffic will be several times harder and longer. Therefore, all major companies ordering context ads, just give agencies or freelancers the statement of work — and do not worry about attracting traffic.

There is one nuance here. We would not advise moving forward on high-frequency requests: at the top there will still be marketplaces and promoted online stores. This is especially true for the complex niches: online stores with narrow themes, complex products, the benefits of which must be explained separately, or those industries where the monopolists rule. In these cases, it is better to move forward with low-frequency queries: a better chance to get into the top of the issue and be on the front pages of the search engine. So, don’t pay special attention to the keys, focus on the quality and usefulness of the content, work through the product cards, publish photos and videos. Imagine that there is no more Google. Put yourself in your client’s place, ask yourself questions that concern him, and give them answers.

  1. Targeted advertising – advertising on social networks. Good thing that you can set up your audience according to different criteria: sex, age, place of residence, vital interests and so on. In this case, you can be sure that advertising fashionable clothes will not be shown to a single bachelor and the price for parts wholesale – a freshman student. You can order targeted advertising on any social network. You can attract traffic through the advertising exchange or by writing to the administrators of thematic communities where your target audience sits.


  1. Traffic exchange. Note, in this article we are not talking about dishonest ways. Traffic exchange is as simple as everything ingenious: you register in the system, your site is integrated with a special code that shows articles and news from other sites using RSS feeds. Other resources, in turn, show your news – a kind of cross-marketing, only your participation is almost not required.



Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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