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Health & Fitness

Using cryolipolysis at home to enhance your weight loss journey

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Cryolipolysis is a topical treatment that works by freezing stubborn fat cells, which are then flushed away by the lymphatic system. As it’s both gentle and safe, achieving noticeable results from the comfort of home is easy. For people hoping to minimize smaller areas of problem fat, cryolipolysis has become a popular alternative to more invasive treatments such as liposuction. It is such a safe option that, with the right equipment, you can treat yourself when it’s convenient rather than traveling to a therapist. Each session takes around an hour, and as the process is entirely pain-free, you won’t have to factor in any recovery time.

How does a fat freezing treatment work?

Cryolipolysis treatments should be focused on areas of soft fat that you can effortlessly squeeze between your fingers. For most of us, our inner thighs, upper arms, chins, and stomach pouches will be target zones, as these can be difficult to improve with natural methods alone. During cryolipolysis, fat cells are cooled to an extremely low temperature and eventually frozen. Once this happens, the cells begin to crystalize and die. The dead cells are removed over a period of weeks as your lymphatic system gets to work. Fat cells that sit just underneath your epidermis freeze at higher temperatures than other cells, so although you’ll experience a cold sensation, no damage will be done to your skin.

Is it safe to treat areas of fat with cryolipolysis at home?

The Freeze2Trim program provides the equipment and knowledge you need to carry out cryolipolysis easily at home. The system is made up of smooth, adjustable neoprene wraps and gel packs that manage the task of fat freezing. All you need to do is sit back while the cold therapy takes effect. If this seems too good to be true, it’s worth remembering that at least four clinical trials involving over 100 patients back up the fat loss claims. People who took part in these studies were pleased with the treatment results and only reported mild side effects, which soon passed.

How long will it be until I can see real changes?

When you’re trying out cryolipolysis  for the first time, it may take slightly longer to get your equipment in place, but the freezing session itself will only last one hour. If you hope to lose fat in more than one place, you can save even more time by treating multiple areas at once. Once you have finished a freezing session, the process of fat cell removal is gradual, as it happens as part of your body’s natural process of waste removal. Achieving a noticeable difference will usually take between eight and twelve weeks, so do not feel disappointed if your neck or stomach doesn’t have a more sculpted look within a few days.

After twelve weeks, there is likely to be less of a wobble and a more contoured appearance in the treated area. Looking ahead, the more treatments you have, the more visible your results will be. Most people treat the same spot two or three times before they are happy with the outcome, and as fat freezing is non-invasive, this is perfectly safe.

How much body fat can I expect to lose with fat freezing?

As our bodies are all different, the total amount of fat cells lost from a course of cryolipolysis treatments will vary from person to person. Speaking generally, you should see a reduction of at least 20% in the places you’ve treated, but this could be as high as 40%. To boost your results, try to follow a healthy eating plan, and take regular exercise. Drinking plenty of water during the day and reducing your caffeine intake will also help.

Is cryolipolysis going to help me get the results I want?

 If you’ve been losing weight and sticking to a healthy diet, but you still have little pockets of fat that won’t budge, then cryolipolysis could be the answer. Fat freezing poses no risk to your health, but these treatments are designed to shift fat, rather than excess weight. Therefore, you’ll get the best results if you’re already happy with your weight but want to lose the kind of fat resistant to exercise and dieting. Cryolipolysis is not marketed as a quick fix solution for getting in shape, but as part of a healthy lifestyle, you can use it to help tone up your body and create a smoother silhouette.


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