UP by Jawbone, tracking your everyday activities and health (review).
I was compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card to facilitate this review, however all opinions are 100% my own.

Do you ever think to yourself how many times you have walked today or how many calories am I consuming or am I getting the adequate sleep my body needs? I ask myself this all the time and even though I know there are many products on the market to assist you, there is nothing , I mean nothing like the UP by Jawbone product. When they say “Live Better , Start Now” It’s true, you will truly live a better/healthier life with UP Jawbone wristband.
I was beyond impressed when I tried out the UP Jawbone product and App.

This amazingwrist band tracks your sleeping habits, your steps, nutrition and calories burned, distance and much more. The Best Buy UP Jawbone wristband sensor and free mobile App provides to you, your own personal tools that will allow you to make the best choice in living a much healthier life daily.
I’m so excited to say I recently had an opportunity to review the UP Jawbone wristband and I simply LOVE it. Its very easy to use, just charge your UP Jawbone & download the UP App to your iPhone. It will hold a charge for 10 days and also comes with its own USB to plug into your computer.

Once the App is completed you will then see how to proceed in setting up your personal account and how the app collects all your data, weight, age, height and so on.
You can scan a bar-code take a picture of your food and upload it to the UP gallery to see ingredients.

It is recommended that you wear the UP Jawbone wristband for 24/7. During this time the UP Jawbone is recording your daily activities, whether you are sleeping, running, walking or sitting, it tracks it all. The UP Jawbone wristband will even vibrate if I have sit to long which I do a lot without realizing it.
This UP Jawbone is so awesome it even has different mode buttons to push , say you are going to bed you will press the mode button to indicate you are going to sleep and once you wake up you press that same mode button to inform the UP wristband that it is day? Now that’s pretty cool!

Once loaded to your iPhone the UP Jawbone wristband will provide you with all your data. It will give you a visual and numeric presentation of all your daily data, even your goals that you set for yourself plus you can share your activities via social media if you wish.
To get the best results it is also recommended that you plug in your UP wristband to sync at least 2x a day.

The UP Jawbone wristband is so innovative, it tracks so much in every area and can be worn in the pool or shower because it is water resistant up to 3.3′!. All this information is vital to figuring out what your body needs and how you can improve your overall health. I know for me the UP wristband really showed me that I was not getting the adequate sleep my body needs and I wasn’t aware that it was that bad.
If you are ready to make that healthy change visit BEST BUY to purchase your UP Jawbone, they come in difference sizes and colors. Retails for $130 and would be great as a gift this Christmas!
This would be awesome for running!
coriwestphal at msn dot com
Really cool, and nice looking, too. Thnx! E
I love this I think it would be such a good motivater for me
I love that it can be worn 24/7.. 🙂
I love the idea of this I have been trying to get healthy and thing this is a cool and pretty stylish way to track your movement
Ugh, do I need another reminder that I am lazy! lol
That is so small and slim, I would give this as a gift to my health conscious friend.
Great review! It’s a product I’ve been reading lots about ..I would enjoy owning it!
This would be great for my older kids but I dont know if I want to be reminded of how lazy I am.
The UP by Jawbone sounds like the perfect product for many reasons. It would be great for someone who is trying to lose weight and it would motivate you to move more and be more active.
I love the innovation of the UP Jawbone wristband. I like that it gives you a visual chart of your data and that it is waterproof which is a great feature.
The idle alert is brilliant.
There are times (days, I admit), when aside from walking to the kitchen to retrieve the box of cereal so I can shove handfuls of it into my gaping maw as I stare at the computer screen, I rarely move about.
Even a short jaunt to the mailbox or a quick stroll around the block would do wonders for my physical and mental wellness.
If a little reminder in the form of a stylish bracelet is the needed impetus, great.
This sounds like such a helpful tool as I work to live a healthier lifestyle. I like that it does everything…exercise, sleep, food. No need for a bunch of different apps to track, just one that presents all the data for a full picture of your health!
This is amazing! I want one 🙂
Well this is interesting.
I love how you can plug this into your computer. Cool
My father got one of these and I was so impressed at how it actually worked. I would definitely love to try one. Recording my sleeping habits would be very helpful…
Wow, this is a fantastic tool for seeing how you are doing with activity!
This is such a great product to help with my goals of walking and my daily eating recordings. I see that it tracks your sleep schedule and can even tell me how many times I have woke up during the night. I really like the Jawbone, it is easy to wear.
This technology amazes me! I think its a great way try and beat your goals
Oh this sounds so neat! I love how it tracks your steps and sleep!
Interesting concept I have no I phone but this would be and asset to those who try to keep track of what they eat and physical activity.
I really think that is something I would like to get. Thanks for the review I had no idea about this product and will definitely be checking it out.
That’s pretty cool! Thanks for reviewing, looks like something to check out!
Sounds very interesting. Might have to give it a try. Thanks for sharing your review on this.
I love how think it is! Other activity-tracking watches/bracelets seem so bulky which I don’t like. I love how it vibrates to let you know you’ve been sitting too long.
That’s really neat! I love how it’s not bulky or intrusive, easy to wear all day!
I love how is can be worn 24/7! Even in the shower! That is way cool! It is nice when something helps to track what you are doing so you can be aware of it.
Oh, I love that it records all of your daily activity! And it has a nice look to it too!