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Health & Fitness

Unique Gifts For Your Fitness Fanatic Brother

The bond between you and your brother is extremely special and different from all other relationships. You love each other to the fullest, but you can not sit together peacefully for more than five minutes. You fight over the smallest of things, but you know each other more than anyone else. Now, deciding a gift for someone with whom you share such a bitter-sweet relationship can be a task in itself, especially if he is a health enthusiast. People who take care of their health rarely like anything else as a present, so if you are looking for a perfect present for your fitness nut of a brother, then here is a list of all the possible gifts you can get him. Read on!

A Cool Sports Sipper

If your brother loves taking care of his health, then he must love going to the gym or for a run, so the best gift for him would be an excellent looking sports sipper. These sippers are durable, stylish and have more than the average capacity of holding liquid, with such great qualities your brother would appreciate it.

Gym Bag

A gym bag is a must; it holds all the essential things for an individual to keep all other necessary items. They are also considered a style statement and look super cool; therefore, they are a fantastic gift idea.

A Stylish Smart-Watch

A smartwatch is a unique gift you can get for him. The watch has so many amazing features like heartbeat monitoring, footstep counting, sleep tracking, calorie intake counting, and so many more that it will be the most fantastic present for your brother.

Bluetooth Speakers

Most people love working out while listening to music. Headphones are pretty standard, and we are sure he already has those; therefore, Be a little unique and gift him some great Bluetooth speakers. They can be used while working out or whenever he wants, they can also be used by his wife, making it a perfect gift for brother marriage anniversary. There are plenty of brands available in the market, and you can select one according to his style, choice and budget.

Infusion Pitcher

Infusion pitchers are kind of a homely personal item. These pitchers have a special tube-like compartment where you can put fresh fruits to infuse the water. This one gift is beneficial and will keep them healthy & hydrated.

Men Jogger Pants

Jogging pants are essential. Get a pair of great jogger pants from his favorite clothing or sports brand. These pants look very stylish and incredibly comfortable, which is required while jogging or running.

Running Gloves

Another fantastic gift would be running gloves. Going running is painful in winters cause of the harsh weather conditions. You can wear a warm hood or warm pants, but your hands mostly remain cold. So get him a pair of comfortable and touch screen friendly gloves so that he doesn’t have to remove them every time he uses his phone.

Special Gym/Workout Membership

This is a present you should get if you are sure they do want it. Gym memberships are costly; that is why they make the best gift for them. Which gym bunny would not like to get an all-expense paid membership for a certain period of time; it’s like getting a gift every day. You can either extend their existing membership or try the highest-rated gym in your area. Whatever you go for, do remember if they want it or not.

Weight Protein

Now, this present is something each and every gym freak would want and appreciate. The box of weight protein is required by them every day and burns a hole in their pocket every month. So, if they can get a month’s supply as a gift, they would love it, especially because it will save them a lot of money, to invest in other fitness equipment.

Reversible Yoga Mat

If your brother loves working out at home, then it’s an excellent gift for him. Get him a yoga mat, preferably a reversible one and do not go on the name; a yoga mat is just a mat used for different workouts, not just yoga.


Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are 'affiliate links.' This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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