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Top 10 Fireworks For Any Budget

When it comes to adding the wow factor to an event, you can count on fireworks to create a spectacular show. Whether you’re looking for fireworks to use at a celebration such as a wedding or a birthday, or you’re looking to plan your own firework display, with a huge variety of fireworks for sale, you can be sure to find the best option to blow your guests away. Create stunning effects with colored flares or create a breath-taking display with one ignition with compounds. We’ve put together a list of Top 10 Fireworks to suit any budget.

  1. Catherine Wheels

These fun fireworks will really get you in a spin. Catherine wheels are a great option for both smaller and larger events and can be purchased in different sizes to suit. They are often secured to a fence or wall and when ignited, they spin around giving off a stunning display of different colored sprays. Your audience will be mesmerized by this whizzing multicolored wheel.

  1. Flares

Smoke flares are becoming more popular due to the billowing colors they produce. They are an alternative to fireworks but are not lacking in show. You can use these as an opportunity for an Instagram-worthy photo. They are popular at events such as baby showers and gender reveals. They are hand-held, safe to use and make a real statement. If you’re looking for a photo-op, these flares can help you achieve a stunning effect.

  1. Strobes

These fireworks do exactly what you’d expect from their name – they shoot up into the air, flashing to create a strobe effect. You can choose from quiet strobes or loud strobes that are sure to turn the heads of spectators. They can add a bright dose of color and light to your display as well as demand attention with their squealing sounds.

  1. Rockets

You can recognize rockets by how they whizz into the air. They are a traditional and widely used firework, a real classic. When ignited, they whizz into the air and explode for a sky-filling, dazzling and colorful spectacle. They are great for all budgets and start at an affordable price. You can purchase your rockets to suit the size of your event.

  1. Fountains

A must-have at any firework display, fountains can create a magical spectacle. They can suit a lower-end budget and just as equally add to a larger event. Fountains shoot colorful sparks from the ground up, creating a fountain of glittering sparkles. They are a great choice for a family celebration or Bonfire night.

  1. Sparklers

Sparklers are such an important part of Bonfire night, are relatively low budget and a great way of getting the whole family involved! They may be small, but they still pack a real punch, available in a range of neon colors. Light them up and watch them go. They’re not just an integral part of bonfire night, they can be used at weddings, in cakes and even drinks.

  1. Roman candles

These fireworks will send you right back to your childhood. The roman candle is great if you’re working on a smaller display with a lower budget but doesn’t compromise when it comes to effect. It shoots straight up into the sky, leaving a stream of stunning color and light, making the traditional sound of a firework and will leave you feeling nostalgic.

  1. Disco Ball

This firework will get everyone excited! Made up of several fireworks in one ignition, the disco ball fires up into the sky and dazzles in the darkness like glitter. Its shimmering effect will leave your audience amazed. They are an affordable solution if you need a smaller type of compound firework and work for garden displays.

  1. Compounds

Compound fireworks are the main event at any firework display. They offer a range of effects all from one handy ignition. They truly are an all-in-one display and allow you to achieve the stunning effects of an abundance of fireworks in one. There’s no need for relighting, which gives everyone the chance to enjoy the display. Compounds typically tend to be a little more on the expensive side and would suit a larger setting.

  1. Mines

These fireworks are often mistaken for fountains. Mines are multi-shot fireworks that ignite from the ground and shoot up into the night sky, leaving behind a stream of neon color. They can shoot up to 120 feet into the air, and some even have crackling stars. You can’t miss them with their loud whistle. They are relatively inexpensive and are great as an addition to a smaller display or use a few of them to create a stunning visual effect at a larger event.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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