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Tips and Advice That You Must Share With Your College Kid

Sending your child off to college comes with mixed feelings. 

You’re proud of the new beginning your kid is about to embark on. You have high expectations about their accomplishments. 

But there’s some anxiety too. You may be unsure how your child will cope in the new environment. You may fear your kid will become too distant and disconnected from you. 

These thoughts can hover over you all day and become the reason for your sleepless nights.

Let go of the stress! 

Nighthelper is right here for your rescue!

Here’s the talk you should give your child before you send them off to college.

Do Smart Work, Not Just Hard Work

Academics in college are more challenging than they’re in high school. And as we all know, when the going gets tough, the tough get going!

Tell your child that hard work should start from day one. 

Consistency is the key to keeping sane while dealing with the whirlwind of college assignments and tests. When college students are regular at their coursework, meeting deadlines and excelling in tests becomes easier.

But also tell them that it’s foolish to get run over by the pressure of academics. 

It’s OK to find support when things seem too much to handle, not only for personal affairs but also for term papers. Online services like writers per hour are beneficial for students looking for guidance with their research proposals and essays.

You’ve Got the Controls Now

Once the kids are in college, parents hardly get a say in their life. This is quite naturally so. 

But the kids need to understand the true worth of this independence. 

They need to make responsible decisions about many things – from friends to relationships, careers, finances, etc. They also need to know to stay clear of alcohol and substance abuse.

You should sit down with your kid and make him see the far-reaching consequences of any wrong choices. 

The best way to lend some perspective is by sharing personal experiences. 

Let your child know that while he has free reign on life’s choices now, he also bears the responsibility for those choices too.

Earn, Invest, Repeat

College time is great for learning valuable lessons in money management. But real learning comes when a person handles money to make wealth. You know, the Rich Dad way.

Give your college-going kid the most valuable learning – inspire him to become financially secure.

Make Your Mistakes Count

No matter how responsible we’re in life, mistakes are inevitable. 

Mistakes and even blunders will happen. But the right thing to do is to learn from them and move on.

And that’s the most important thing children need to learn as they set foot in the adulting sphere

We’ve Got Your Back

All parenting tips aside, there’s no substitute for a straightforward “We love you!” whispered to the kid.

Before the child leaves home for college or a job, you’ve got to let them know they’re loved and always welcome at home.

When you express affection to your grown-up child, they feel more connected to you.

Let them know you’re always there for them – you’ll always be their counsel and guide.

The Bottom Line

College life is a jungle maze presenting new challenges at every turn. 

Your child may not anticipate how drastically life can change once they leave home. But it’s your duty as a parent to make them aware of what lies ahead.

Find the right time to have a heart-to-heart talk with your kid. Keep the conversation light and crisp. 

No awkward silences (or awkward jokes), please!

Remember, sending your kid to college is a time to rejoice! 

So, smile. Give them a pat on the back and wish them “Good Luck”!


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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