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NH News

Time is Ticking With The Easy To Learn Teaching Clock #BackToSchool

Time always appears as if it’s flying on by! Boy does time fly in my opinion—especially when it comes to the little kids. I still remember teaching my kids how to walk and hearing their first giggle. Good times… Ah, there it goes again! Time.

With how much time we spend saying that word and stalking the clock daily,  why not spend more of our focus teaching our children time in a fun, memorable way with Teacher’s Choice Teaching Clock!

This little invention was created to help ages six and up or Grades one and up Time. The efficient clocks were created with clear and distinct labeled hours, minutes and seconds hands. The clock comes with a color coordinated center that helps break down how time works. Like terms: quarter past, half past, and quarter.  The clock also gives kids a visual look inside time that in my opinion will help them understand the concept of time even more!


It’s easy to read and runs on two AA batteries, which are not included. The innovative, simple product enhance teaching techniques without making a sound. Perfect for classrooms or for added silence in your home.

Introducing time to children can be a tricky task, so Teacher’s Choice have pulled together some great simplistic products that can ease this process. We all know we live in a digital world but, learning how to read an analog clock will be just as important to your children!

Therefore, why not test out this product? Teachers Choice understands that your child’s development and education are important. But think fast, time is ticking! Teach your children time today by grabbing the Teacher’s Choice Teaching Clock here!



Disclosure: Howdy everyone, I just wanted to inform you that I was not compensated for this post. However, I did receive a product from the company below and the opinions expressed in this post are 100% my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC guidelines.



Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

16 thoughts on “Time is Ticking With The Easy To Learn Teaching Clock #BackToSchool

  • Anything that helps kids learn to tell time is good by me. This looks like it would really help.

  • I’m thinking this would be a good present too. For adult friends or family who are hard to buy presents for and have young kids, this would be great. I can’t think of any parent of a young child who wouldn’t like it.

  • I like how easy this clock is to read. It has everything a kid needs to learn about telling time.

  • I always like products that offer a 100% money back guarantee, because it tells me they believe in the quality of their product.

  • I like how it teaches the quarter past, quarter to concept, too. That can be hard for kids to pick up.

  • At 10″ that’s a good size clock and it’s reasonably priced too. After looking at both, I think I might like the purple one a tad bit better though.

  • Kids are always so proud when they learn to tell time. Anything that helps them out is great by me.

  • This is a fun clock, and so colorful. I wonder if they make them as watches…if not, maybe they could….they’d be great to give as presents to the kids in the family.

  • That is a great clock. Not just for the kids either, I think this would be great in my kitchen, so many times I’ve needed to keep track of exact timing and using this would be a lot more convenient than a timer.

  • This is a neat idea. It really might help kids learn how to tell time.

  • I remember how proud my niece and nephews were when they mastered time, lol. This might really help kids get it.

  • I would love to have this clock for myself. I love the colors.

  • This is a pretty neat idea. Kids seem to either pick it up quick or have a really hard time with reading clocks. This might help.

  • (Time is Ticking With The Easy To Learn Teaching Clock #BackToSchool) This learning clock would be great for our five year old grandson to help him learn to tell time. I was impressed with this statement; This little invention was created to help ages six and up or Grades one and up Time. The efficient clocks were created with clear and distinct labeled hours, minutes and seconds hands.

  • My oldest daughter is in kindergarten, and we have been trying to find ways to help hear learn to tell time. This is a great tool.

  • What a perfect educational clock! I homeschool so this would be great for out little home classroom!


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