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Throwing a Baseball Themed Birthday Party. #guest

Baseball hats, mits and gloves are every little boy’s favorite accessories, so why not help him celebrate his Birthday with a baseball-themed party! Whether you’re hosting a get-together for your little league team or celebrating the birthday of a baseball lover – there are a few foolproof must-do’s to make the party a success!


Now, let’s be honest here, hardly any of us have homes with yards big enough to pass for a baseball pitch: so, in planning your party venue, think outside – literally. Head down to your local community park so the kids have even room to don their baseball hats, run around, and tire out! You’ll usually find picnic tables – and even a BBQ grill – you can use for your party space. Decorate these with balloons and cutouts of popular baseball players to mark off the party area.


Whether you’re throwing your baseball party for a boy or girl – all kids like cupcakes, right? Especially if they’re decorated like baseballs! Use white frosting and red candy or liquorice to create seam-like detail. You can hollow out brownies into the shape of mitts, with a ball of vanilla ice-cream to make your own edible gloves, and for the cake, detail with their favorite player’s team and number.

What baseball themed party would be complete without hotdogs and popcorn? You can easily source online or at your local craft-store vintage popcorn holders like the ones given out at games. And setting up a ‘make-your-own’ hotdog stand: with separate plates for things like pastrami, onion, ketchup and mustard, means the kids can make as much mess as they’d like! A bonus, most local parks have barbeque grills, so you can prepare the food as it is needed, rather than preparing in advance.

After a hard day on the pitch, your little all-stars are going to need some decent refreshments. Make up some fruit punch and keep it cool in chiller bins until it’s needed. And maybe cool off at the end of the day with some ice cream!

Entertainment and Activities

This is an obvious one at a baseball themed party: baseball! Set up seats for stands, have someone keep score and umpire and play ball!

When your little sportsmen and women get tired of playing, have a couple of other activities organized. Try egg and spoon races, but with a ball and a mitt instead, or baseball piggy-in-the-middle.

For the party attendees who perhaps aren’t so athletically inclined: try some crafts! Buy in bulk plain, cheap white t-shirts, and a range of permanent-markers or fabric paint and have fun decorating your own baseball tee! Print off examples of team shirts for reference. Give away prizes to the winners of the games: what about baseball hat’s from Spencer’s, or baseball gloves signed by local players.

These simple tricks and tips might just be what your baseball themed birthday needs to hit a home run! Do you have any ideas or suggestions from parties you’ve thrown or are planning?

Spencer’s have the best baseball-themed hats and gits, as well as everything else you need to plan the perfect party. So if you’re stuck for gifts, costumes, party decorations or other needs, check out Spencer’s Online for a great selection at unbeatable prices.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

8 thoughts on “Throwing a Baseball Themed Birthday Party. #guest

  • I love doing themed parties for my son! Just this morning, I told hubby that I was thinking of NOT doing a themed party this year, and just taking the family to Great Wolf Lodge, instead… but this makes me want to have a themed party AT GWL! Ha, ha! Great ideas- we love baseball, and this would be a wonderful future party theme for my son.

  • Such a great idea. My middle son has a summer bday and loves sports. This would work great.

  • As a new mom to a little boy, I am sure that one of these is in my future!

  • That is a great idea! I know some little boys that would love this. I’d like to see pictures to give me more ideas.

  • I always have a hard time picking out a theme for my sons birthday parties… This would be a great theme for this year!

  • Great ideas! I would have to try this, via a “twist” for my daughter’s softball team! Thanks for sparking some imagination for her 16th!

  • This seems like a great idea for a party!

  • Great theme idea! My son has a Summer Birthday and now is time for me to start planning and collecting favors and decorations. I think his friends would enjoy a backyard game of baseball too.


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