Home & GardenLifestyle

Different types of Year-round Heating and Air Conditioners in a Home 


We all love our homes, especially when we’re appropriately warm or cool. Being in an area where temperatures can go from sweltering hot to icy cold can put a damper on family fun in the house.

In the olden days, you would need a coal stove or a fireplace in your house.  Nowadays, life is more advanced, with year round heating & air conditioners.

The choices are so varied that it really is an experience just choosing the right one that fits your home and your budget. 


Facts on Air Conditioners



The everyday use of air conditioning today is to assist with cleaner air in the house due to allergic reactions. Newer homes are built to help with climate change, resulting in the tightly sealed interior for energy efficiency.  

Types of Central AC Heating Commonly Used

All households use electrical or gas heating, and the commonly used ones are Furnaces, Electric baseboards, and boilers.

Heat Pumps 

The heat pumps unit pumps air through your house. During summer, it pulls the hot air out of the house, making it more relaxed. In winter, warm air is taken from outside and pumped into the house. 

This system can vary according to where you live. In winter, the colder areas will change to geothermal pumps that pull heat from the ground instead of the air. 

Free Standing 

If you aren’t a homeowner and don’t have the luxury of having installed air conditioning where you’re staying, this is your next line in adding to your home comfort. Portable and user-friendly, there’s a wide range to choose from. 

Free-standing air conditioners can be moved around on wheels to any place that you need to use them. Newer ranges have different features, including a humidifier that can purify the air. 

Floor Heating 

Installing floor heating in bathrooms, bedrooms, and kitchens will help keep energy costs low. Your basement is also a favorite place for floor heating. This type of heating is easy to install; systems are available for nearly every kind of floor. 

Whole-home Humidifiers 

Humidifiers can be bought as small, single-room cylinders, but you get a unit that can operate your whole house. This unit gets attached to your furnace and draws from your water supply. It’s easy to set up, with no hassle; plus, you save on costs. A once-a-year clean-out is all that you need.


We all love our homes, even if we live in scorching hot places or icy places. Home is where we all can relax and be ourselves. 

Getting your house fitted out with year-round heating and air conditioning is one of the pleasures to be enjoyed by families.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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