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The influence of Artificial Intelligence in the Boost of Employee Productivity

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For quite a few years now, Artificial Intelligence is changing the way we live our lives. Whether we use these technologies to help within our daily workloads or enables new digital storage spaces, such as irooms, it is clear that they are here to stay. 

Applications such as machine learning and AI have allowed us to resolve problems that human were unable to do so. Although we have seen a wide number of dystopian movies that somehow they have created an idea of the detrimental uses of AI in the future, however, we have found the way to revert these negative effects. For example, with cyberattacks happening all around the globe, risk mitigation practices have gained in popularity within businesses. AI technologies should not be seen as a dangerous practice, but as a reliable factor that can help organizations to boost their productivity levels.

The rise of automation systems

With so many automation systems leading the way up to the future, these applications are becoming more popular. Every time that you look for information on the Internet, or you log in into your online banking portal, chatbots and online assistant always arrive on time to solve your problems. Complex calculations and pattern recognition systems are amongst the most popular practices that AI is experiencing. 

A large number of companies are using AI to scan relevant documents or to detect cyber attacks. Although, these are not the only applications that these systems can be used for.

AI as a motor to boost productivity

First, Artificial Intelligence is regarded as a threat because of the growing fears of causing job losses. A wide range of people thinks that automation will result in the next economic crisis, as it is perceived as one of the main characters of the next digital revolution.     

On the other hand, this technology also offers some benefits to the general workforce. AI applications within the workplace can help us remove those small barriers that we face on our daily routines. Meanwhile, AI can also be used to boost happiness and confidence levels of your workers, this, is the two more important assets of a business are human capital and data. From the recruitment process to the training experience, IA is transforming companies as we know them. Firms can increase their performance levels and productivity by using AI and automation tools such as intranets and email networks.

The rise of bots 

 Bots are playing an essential role across industries, from performing a series of activities such as asking and answering automatic questions to redirect queries. These possibilities are reshaping the workplace, as just using these bots will have tons of to every worker. At the same time, AI can also predict employee communication skills, as many of these bots can traduce content in real-time.

  • Recruitment process. Tech data applications can be helpful to push recruitment processes all around the world. One of the possibilities it offers is to automate interview scheduling, organize text interviews and tackle other issues within the hiring process. Other companies use AI to write proper and refined job descriptions on their portals.


  • Corporate training. One of the benefits that the ever-growing AI landscape offers is the innovative opportunity it offers to the overall workforce. In other words, AI processes can be used to motivate and incentivize an employee. For example, some companies are utilizing virtual reality technologies to adapt learning processes to both their workforce and the company itself.


  • More beneficial customer service experience. Chatbots, digital assistants, automated phone assistance, etc. the customer service sector can boast about its use of the power of AI applications to offer a more complete experience. For example, some companies provide AI phone tools that utilize voice signals and live-suggestions to respond to basic queries.


  • Track on your progress. In the meantime, some companies also use AI solutions to track the progress of their employees’ performance. This way, it is easier to identify pitfalls and to elaborate a plan that tackles inefficiencies across the business. 

To sum up, it is clear that automation is here to stay and, as a wide range of the population thinks, it won’t be the end of the workforce. AI will help us overcome complex barriers that arise within a business, but a robot cannot replace a human’s brain and capabilities.


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