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Home & Garden

The Best Spring Gardens Are Made In Winter: Jobs To Do Before The Holidays.

You may think that the winter months are quiet in the world of gardening. However, you’d be wrong. Creating a dazzling spring/summer garden doesn’t happen overnight. If you prepare now, you’ll enjoy the fruits of your labor when warmer climes arrive. If you’re a keen gardener with grand plans for your backyard, here are some jobs to tick off before the holidays.


Image by https://pixabay.com/en/garden-flowers-summer-romantic-948559/


This is not the most exciting job, but it’s essential to keep on top of basic maintenance throughout the fall and winter months. At this time of year, leaves fall, and your beds and lawns can get covered in a matter of days. Spend an hour or so every week clearing the garden. Remove leaves and grab your gloves and do some weeding. Mow the lawn when you get a dry day and tidy up the edges with a strimmer.


Now is the time to choose and plant your bulbs for a spectacular show of color in spring. In most cases, the best time to plant bulbs is between September and December. Plants like amaryllis bulbs are one that blooms in winter. When you’re planting, look out for instructions on the packet. They should tell you how deep the plant each bulb, and the distance to leave between each one. Dig a hole, place the bulb gently in the soil, and then cover it. Try not to overcrowd your beds with bulbs. They need space to grow properly. If you’re unsure about what to plant when, you’ll find some fantastic gardening guides online. You could also pop down to your local garden center and get some tips.

 If you’re keen to add some interest to your garden in the cooler months, a rockery is a great idea. Shrubs are hardy, and they can survive the cold weather. Evergreen plants are another option. If you want to add shade for the summer or you’re keen for more privacy, investigate local tree planting services. If you want to add deciduous trees to your backyard, December is a good time to plant.


Image credit https://www.flickr.com/photos/jeffsand/4480517584


Winter is not far away, and it’s wise to take steps to weatherproof your backyard. Do you have decking areas, wooden sheds, or fencing panels? If so, take a few minutes to give the wood a coat of varnish. This will help to protect it from the elements. Before you varnish, wipe the wood to remove any dirt or mud. You may need to add two coats depending on the type of wood. Read the instructions carefully before you begin.


When you think of gardening, you often conjure up images of colorful flowerbeds and pristine lawns. Winter may not be about enjoying hazy evenings in the backyard. But that doesn’t mean you should neglect your garden when it’s cold outside. Now is the time to get ready for the months ahead and plant your bulbs and seeds so that they blossom and bloom in the spring. Keep on top of maintenance jobs all year-round. This will save you time and effort when the sun is shining, and you want to make the most of your time off.


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