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How To Survive And Enjoy A Camping Trip With Your Kids.

Not many parents feel that a camping trip with preschoolers is a good idea. But when you’re trying to vacation on a budget, it could be just the getaway you all need. You may have older school age children who will be very excited about the idea of sleeping in tents and exploring big campsites and woodland. As a parent, you may be fearing all the dangers and hazards that your kids may discover too! Camping is a tough choice, but it can still be one of the best vacation choices you can make. Here’s how to enjoy spending a camping vacation with your kids:


Careful preparation is everything! You’ll need to consider the kind of pushchair or stroller that will be best for the terrain you’re heading to. There is no way your overexcited toddler is going to walk as far or as fast as you. You may also need to choose a bigger sized waterproof change bag to store more diapers, wipes, and changes of clothing. Even bigger kids need a good wipe down when they’ve been climbing trees and rolling around. Finally, make sure you have spare batteries for your mobile devices. There are times when sitting quietly to watch a movie gives you the break you need!

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Thanks to Flickr.com for the photo


There are so many fun things to do out in the open. You might pack a set of mosquito net hammocks so you can all enjoy some alternative seating or sleeping places. Perhaps you can pack a couple of pop-up shelters for your hikes or walks? Kids and toddlers love hiding in little dens and makeshift shelters. You could also bring extra torches so the children can create shadow puppets or send each other flashing light messages. It’s these little touches that can help make this vacation really fun and memorable, load up as much camping gear as you can.

If you bring some rope, you might be able to create a tree swing for the older children to enjoy. A sturdy bit of branch can make a great handle or seat. If there will be some open spaces, try to bring some outdoor toys. Frisbees, kites, and even drones can be perfect for entertaining the kids. Don’t forget a couple of spare ground sheets or picnic blankets for toddlers and crawlers.

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Thanks to Flickr.com for this photo


The campfire is perhaps one of the best bits about camping, but it can also be a little dangerous for the children. Make up some posters at home with pictures showing how to stay away from the flames. Some children may be sensitive to the smoke. Make sure you have spare inhalers or other medications they need to use. Don’t forget the grill! It’s not easy to build frames over fires for cooking meals when you have to manage your kids too.



Insect repellant, sunscreen, and after-sun are essentials for any vacation where the kids will be outside. Don’t forget extra bottles for water. And everyone should wear a hat. Kids can get overtired and grumbly. Have plenty of eBooks and kids movies on your mobile devices for the quiet time. Enjoy your next camping vacation.





Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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