
Supplement Abuse Leads To Eating Disorder

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In an effort to build muscles, men are now shying away from the traditional illegal anabolic steroids and are embracing nutritional supplements. The use of these supplements has become so rampant to the point that consumers, particularly men, are developing eating disorders. These supplements have become a ubiquitous item in the fitness regimens of young men because they can be bought by anybody from anywhere. The marketing gimmicks used by the manufacturers which are purported to solve the insecurities linked with masculinity, present these products as the ultimate solution for the void many boys feel.

 When Nicholas Baker was 17 he just wanted to get fit. Since he was a bright chap, he designed his workout himself by planning every exercise. Although he tried to account for every calorie he took, he lost count at times and requested his mother to hook him up with a dietitian. He says he thought the dietitian would compliment him and help him stay on track. To his dismay, after calculating the proportion of his body fat, the dietitian told him that the number was way too low. He was disappointed and went on to make his diet even more rigid. After a few months of malnutrition he health deteriorated. After seeing a psychologist he was diagnosed with an eating disorder.

People with eating disorders face several challenges while seeking help. Acknowledging they have a problem, choosing a path to treatment and adhering to the chosen path. Men and boys are predisposed to more obstacles, their eating disorders are not likely to be identified by others or even themselves. Traditionally, men regard eating disorders as women’s problem, as such, it can come with denial and shame. Tim Woolridge approximates that up to 40% of individuals with eating disorders are men.

A recent study has proven that reckless consumption of nutritional supplements in men could be a pointer towards an eating disorder. About 30% of the men in the study acknowledged that their supplements intake was problematic. Lack of education in nutrition issues and obsession play a substantial role, too.

There is a form of stereotype linked to the kind of person who suffers from an eating disorder: thin females, especially models. Jesse Cosgrove, another patient, simply did not think that he had the attributes of an anorexic. This was partly because he was very athletic, he did not pass off as too thin. He disregarded the symptoms of an eating disorder, he liked excessively working out and limiting his food intake. He was able to hide his eating trends from his family and friends. Fortunately, one of his friends realized what was going on and sat him down.

Fitness conscious men who are motivated by psychological factors to reach a certain level of physical standard are prone to consume so many supplements, which eventually consist the biggest part of their diet; this is considered a type of disordered eating. It is important to evaluate and tackle the psychological causes and excessive use of supplements.

Seeking treatment is important, however, since most treatment regimens are designed for women, a guide for helping men should also be developed. Recovery is a continuous process. Nicholas and Tim today can engage in any activity they want because they approach fitness with a different mindset and managed to totally recover.


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25 thoughts on “Supplement Abuse Leads To Eating Disorder

  • Great reminder! Everything that you abuse comes to a consequence. But I had no idea that most of the individuals who are with eating disorders are men. We must indeed know our limitations and we must be educated in everything we do. Thanks for sharing this!

  • A good reminder that boys and men can also suffer from eating disorders.

  • Very good article, I didn’t know most of this stuff, Thank you for sharing this.

  • I was surprised to read that 40% of individuals with eating disorders are men. I always read about women having this problem.

  • Good read, eating disorders are never good.

  • Wow, I never knew about any of this. Who would have thought that supplements could lead to this? Not me…

  • I have never read about any link between supplements and eating disorders before.

  • So crazy, there’s so many things that can be twisted into an evil addiction

  • Informative article. I learned quite a bit.

  • Very interesting and informative post, thank you so much for sharing! I had no idea about this, but it definitely does make sense.

  • Very interesting! Thank you for sharing this information!

  • Thanks for bringing awareness to this issue.

  • Thanks for the info did not know this

  • This was a very informative article. Great information. I really learned something about eating disorders. Thank you so much for sharing

  • Most people who have eating disorders keep it silent unless it has become life threatening so we do not hear about them as much as we should. Men are definitely not immune and this article was very interesting and informative. Thank you for sharing it!

  • Informative article. I learned quite a bit.

  • Wow you dont really hear about men having eating disorders.

  • That’s a shame about Nicolas Baker. I’m glad this is known now!

  • Good article didn’t know men had eating disorders.

  • Interesting as most of the time those with the eating disorder are women or girls.

  • That is really scary. To think of all these people with eating disorders.

  • Wow! I’ve thankfully never had an eating disorder, but feel for people that do!!

  • This is a really interesting read. I had no idea that up to 40% of individuals with eating disorders are men. I assumed it was always women really.


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