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Skylander Giant Review, you have to play this game!


I had an opportunity to review the new Skylanders Giants game from Best Buy! I was so thrilled to share this game with my grandson who I will say is a game fanatic. The Skylander Giants game is a new game for PS3 & Xbox360, Wii and 3DS. You use real toy action figures, (sold separately) to play this game 

Skylander Giants Starter Pack Wii Game Activision 

Skylander Giants Starter Pack Wii Game (retailed $75.00) Activision includes:

 1-Video Game, 1-Portal of Power, 3-Skylanders Figures, 1-Character Collector Poster, 3-Sticker Sheets with Secret Codes and 3-Trading Cards 
The game is rated E-for everyone

You maybe wondering what in the world is Skylander Giants: Well Thousands of years ago, the Skylanders Giants fought epic battles in Skylands but were banished to Earth. With a new threat looming, it’s time to bring them back to join forces with the Skylanders. Only you can put them on the Portal of Power to unleash their strength in the ultimate battle to save Skylands.

I enjoyed this game and found all the action figures to be very cool. I found it very interesting how the game system allows same screen co-op playing on the same platform Each creator has their own elements to fight and unblock certain areas of the game.

Skylander Giants Starter Pack Wii Game Activision 

Each segment of the Skylander Giants takes you to so many different adventure levels. With the portal in use, you can interchange any character you wish and the system will reload back to where you left off with that new action figured being added. Now that is Awesome!

This game has added new characters called the Giants, and I can see why…they are powerful, huge and very strong…lol  Crusher is this action figure name, he has a hammer attached to his hand that weighs 1100 tons, I would say everyone needs to move out of his way…..wouldn’t you?

Skylander Giants Starter Pack Wii Game Activision

There are so many of these cool action features to add to your portal to help you experience the fun.

You have Crusher, Bouncer, Pop Fizz and many many more retailed from $9.99 to $14.99

Overall I like the game and so did my  grandson Jay who also played against me. It was so funny for a minute because neither one of us knew what we were doing until we met a very nice young expert name Christopher Detgen. You talk about someone who knows the ins and outs of this game. Christopher does, he made me and my grandson feel so at ease in learning what we needed to proceed in playing Skylander Giants. Christopher, I would say is a true expert and speaks very highly of the game. When asked a few questions as to what he likes about the game…..he replied that it’s a great battle game to share with friends and family. He stated he received this game for his birthday and when he has the chance he plays it faithfully. He was able to explain more in depth as to how the game works and what elements each character has to fight in battle.

Overall, I’m pleased to have had this opportunity as a Best Buy Wolfe Blogger to review this cool adventure game. The concept behind this game is not only a battle,  it is an adventurous game that allows your child mind to enjoy fantasy! I know this game will be a hit this Holiday Season, I’m sure every child will want this in their stocking.

Disclaimer Statement

I received one or more of the products mentioned above from Best Buy Wolf Blogger campaign at no charge for review purposes only. All opinions expressed are 100%my own and were not influenced by any other source. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

19 thoughts on “Skylander Giant Review, you have to play this game!

  • This looks like a game my nephew would love! I’ll have to let my sister-in-law know about it.

    2 Wired 2 Tired

  • Wow! Looks like a fun game!~ Kids will definitely like it. 🙂

  • There are so many games out there it’s nice to read your opinions about one, so I have an idea of what it’s about before shopping. Thanks.

  • Looks like a cool game! I don’t play video games myself, but I think my nephew would love it!

  • My son has the original and is desperately wanting the Giant ones for Christmas. Thanks for sharing such and insightful review.

  • Looks like something my brother would love!

  • I work for Best Buy and ANYTHING Skylander SELLS OUT allll the time at my store! great review:)

  • My boys would go nuts

  • looks like an exciting game!

  • This looks like tons of fun and something my 4 and 8 year old could play together! Thanks for a great review!

  • I played with this game, this past weekend and LOVED it!!!

  • This game looks like it would be so much fun!

  • I have seen this game everywhere but never knew exactly what it was – thanks for the run down 🙂

  • This is amazing. I always catch my husband playing with this in the game section at the store! I think I might have to get it for him and not my boys!!!


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