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Skiing 101: Important Reminders for Beginners

Interested to ski? This sport attracts many enthusiasts because of the thrill and because you can enjoy the snow. It’s an interesting sport, but not without risks, so you should learn about it well. Knowing it by heart prepares you for the times when you fall, much like in any other sport. That said, put on your ski jacket and have the best time of your life.

How to be Prepared for Skiing

Skiing requires you to be fit. While people who have extra weight can still do it, you can play the sport better when you’re physically fit. Skiing is not only a sport, but a workout so being fit allows you to maneuver better. Working out to prepare for skiing also lets you develop your stamina. You can even build muscle because of this sport.

One of the first things you should do is to take lessons. These will help improve your confidence and quicken your knowledge of the sport, which means you can begin skiing in no time.

As with any other sport, you should be prepared to purchase the right gear. Choose comfortable gear and wear the right size of ski boots. Buy an Arcteryx ski jacket, use a helmet and gloves, and other ski wear you need. It’s important to keep warm while you ski.

Protection Against the Elements

As mentioned, wear the right gear to keep yourself protected and warm. In addition, you should use proper skin protection. Apply SPF lotion and use UVA and UVB protected lip balm. It may not be sunny where you’re skiing, but the sun still has rays that reflect through the snow. This can still harm your skin and lips.

Use ski glasses or protective goggles. It might be tempting not to wear one, but the fast speed of this sport — together with the sun’s rays — can harm the eyes. The last thing you need is to get permanent eye damage.

Choose a ski resort that caters to beginners. Consider this even when you’re excited to level-up at once. Take it easy and enjoy the sport. One day you’ll wake up more experienced than before. For now, choose slopes meant for beginners. Bluehouse Skis covers a lot of resorts so you may want to look into their resorts also.

Finding Your Balance

Your movements should always start from your feet. Whether you’re turning or doing other moves, don’t use your hips or shoulders first. Try to keep your legs apart and move your feet independently from each other. This way, one foot can push the ski and the other serves as balance.

Remember that this sport is about having fun. There are many times you’ll fall, but that’s the fun side of the sport. You get to laugh at yourself and not take things seriously. You also learn a lot through that. Listen to the advice of your coaches and colleagues. Don’t be too proud just because you’re already learning.

Skiing is a sport for thrill-seekers. The self-fulfillment it gives is different from what you’ll get from other sports. Remember to have fun while learning. Incorporate the knowledge you know to become better at this sport. Who knows, maybe one day you’ll become a well-known ski player. With that, enjoy the sport.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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