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Home & Garden

Selecting the Best Water Filter for Home Use

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 80 percent of disease cases worldwide result from drinking contaminated water. Thankfully, the solution is to invest in good purifiers. However, it is important to choose the best water filter for your consumption needs.

The devices must be certified. The consumer should be aware of the product classification regarding chlorine reduction, particle retention and bacteriological efficiency.

The particle retention rating ranges from A to F (formerly PI and P-VI), the most efficient being Tier A. Therefore, the best certification option is A, which can perform effective chlorine reduction and is known for superior bacteriological efficiency.

On the other hand, choosing a purifier made by a well-known brand can guarantee better quality filtration. Nowadays, you can find a wide variety of filters to suit specific needs. For those with little space, the best countertop filter models make life easier.

For those with more space, undersink filter models have the option of offering chilled water. It is important to keep in mind the available space and installation requirements. If the appliance is electric, check for a nearby outlet and voltage.

Chilled water models may feature the Peltier tablet or compressor cooling system. The compressor has better cooling efficiency. However, padded appliances may be better for homes as they have no moving parts, freon gas, noise or vibration.


Many people forget that it is not enough to have a purifier. To ensure the quality of water consumed over time, it is necessary to change the refill.

On average, you need to change the filter every six months or 4,000 liters, depending on the manufacturer. For use in commercial spaces, it is necessary to check the number of users per purifier. Therefore, the validity and price of the refill are key points to consider.

The best water filter comes with an installation kit and accessories for attaching the product to the wall, if necessary. Easy replacement of refill without the need for technicians is another important issue besides warranty. With all these tips in mind, you cannot go wrong when choosing the best water filter that fits your needs.

Types of water filters

With a comprehensive array of filters to choose from, it is vital to familiarize with their features, including strengths and weaknesses.

Whole house water filter

A house water filter is designed to stop impurities before they reach the home’s water system. It is installed near water tanks, cisterns, wells and water meters.

Currently, polypropylene or stainless steel water filters with different refills (pleated, triple mesh, carbon block), filter elements and particle retention units of varying sizes ranging from 5 to 100 microns.

Countertop filters

You can also find the best countertop filter for the kitchen. These units are installed on the faucet to improve the quality of water and food hygiene.

After all, water passes through the product, which holds particulate matter as well as eliminate smell and chlorine. Consequently, the cleaning of vegetables, fruits and vegetables becomes even better.

Shower filter

A shower filter removes chlorine and impurities from the water, which can damage not only the health and appearance of the hair but also the skin. This is because foreign and chemical particles in the water when unfiltered, can lead to both respiratory and dermatitis allergies.

Pitcher filter

The best filter pitcher is designed to reduce contaminants like chlorine. With these variants, water is held in a plastic container for long periods, which may undermine its overall quality. However, these units are cheaper than the other types of filters. You can count on them to eliminate odors and improve the taste of water.

Under sink filter

An under sink filter is ideal for homes with limited counter space. There are with bacteriological refills that eliminate up to 99% of microorganisms and also warn by LED light when it is time to change the refill.

These units provide water for direct consumption. The equipment is compact and has technologies that enhance filtration. These products are generally designed so that homes and businesses have maximum water filtration efficiency.

Reverse osmosis

Reverse osmosis filters provide an affordable yet effective solution for water filtration. However, they only work when connected to electricity.

Faucet-mounted filter

These appliances work on the tap or the plumbing fixture. They have a pump capable of generating pressure, which works with other filter elements to filter small particles.

Faucet-mounted filters are more durable and can remove excess chlorine from water. Some modern variants can kill bacteria. The downside is the price, which can reach three times the value of a common filter.

Final thoughts

To improve water quality and drink safe drinking water, residential water filters are a safer option. Ceramic units come with a ceramic element with activated carbon and silver nitrate, through which the water passes via gravity. Although these variants are no longer widely available, the price is affordable.

They do not eliminate bacteria and the filter should be changed whenever it is dirty otherwise porous material can further contaminate the water. Never use salt, sugar or chemicals to clean the filter as the material is porous.


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