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NH News

How Restaurants Are Leveraging Digital Menus Into Growth

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Digital menu boards can open up new growth opportunities for restaurants, and some of the biggest brands in the industry are already doing it. Digital menu boards are becoming an important tool for expanding market share and influencing customer decisions. Restaurants with digital menu boards can easily push a new focus such as a new part, cut the costs of menu printing and installation, and influence customer decisions to favor high-margin items.

Pushing a New Focus

Restaurant brands change. They evolve with the times and have to grow to find new sources of revenue. Sometimes that means a major marketing event, such as IHOP’s temporary name change to IHOb in hopes of promoting its lunch and dinner offerings. Efforts to push new day parts don’t have to be so dramatic, though, and digital menu boards can help advertise in-store and improve exposure to new or higher-margin menu items.

Take Starbucks for example, which is faced with stagnant growth in the U.S. and a struggle to find new market share. In response, they’ve been expanding their food options, especially their Mercato food line, in addition to new coffee offerings. Starbucks is experimenting with digital menu boards to push new food offerings during the mid-afternoon period, a time when most restaurants experience slow sales.

Dynamic digital menu boards make it easy to change focus at different times of days. Digital menu boards made by the company Netvisual let you create as many day parts as you need. Coffee shops can easily emphasize breakfast items and espresso-based drinks in the morning, shift to more complete lunch and mid-afternoon food offerings, and migrate to snacks and evening-favorites as the day wears on.

Cut Costs

Once a digital menu board has been installed, it cuts the cost of updating your menus. Sooner or later, you’re going to add new items to the menu, need to change prices, or add information about nutrition, calories, and allergies. Every restaurant will save money on printing and installing new print menu boards, while major chains can cut out shipping costs for new menu boards.

Digital menu boards from Netvisual are updated entirely online through an easy-to-use portal. You can update prices, videos, images, nutritional information, and templates on a single digital menu board or thousands. They’re easy to scale for brands with multiple locations.

Sell High-Margin Items

When a customer reads a menu board, they’re faced with dozens of decisions that they have to make in a matter of seconds. What do they want to eat? Is it a good value? Is there a better alternative? Digital menu boards can be used to push high-margin items that earn your business more money. Through smart design and video ads, you can shine the spotlight on your money-makers and have a bigger influence on customer decisions. Make sure you invest in digital menu boards like those made by Netvisual that make video integration easy.

Digital menu boards are driving growth. That’s why so many restaurant brands are installing them. As even the biggest chains struggle to find new sources of revenue, digital menu boards are producing better results. Install a digital menu board today.


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