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Remove, Refresh, And Redo: Easy Bathroom Mold Removal In 8 Practical Steps

Easy Bathroom Mold Removal In 8 Practical Steps

Want to get rid of that hideous mold in your bathroom once and for all? Here’s what you need to do for total bathroom mold removal.

Worried about those mysterious dark spots in your bathroom? There are thousands of species of fungi growing around the world, and one of those places is likely your shower.

Are you wondering how to get mold out of showers and tubs? Bathroom mold removal is a common task that can be done easily with few ingredients. Read on to learn about eight practical steps to freeing your home from mold.

What Causes Bathroom Mold?

It’s a common problem in bathrooms — and one that you’ve probably already encountered. Bathroom mold happens because of the heat and moisture from frequent showers and baths.

Even leaky pipes, toilets, and damp drywall can increase the amount of mold growing in the bathroom. It creates a prime environment for mold to grow and can be hard to remove if you don’t address it quickly.

Bathroom mold can be scary if you’ve never dealt with it before, but it’s usually an easy fix that you can do on your own. Just be sure to clean the mold right away — if you leave it for too long, it can grow into areas of your home that are too difficult to get to. If this happens, you’ll need to call in a professional.

Eight Easy Steps for Bathroom Mold Removal

Bathroom mold is a pesky problem that 70% of US adults have to face. Luckily, it’s often a simple fix that requires only a few ingredients you probably already have in your kitchen.

If you’ve noticed some dark growth in the corners of your tub or shower, don’t panic! Here are eight easy steps for bathroom mold removal.

  1. Locate All Mold

Knowing how to clean mold in bathrooms starts by locating every place it’s growing. Check every corner and crevice.

Don’t be afraid to look in cabinets, behind the toilet, or in drawers. Mold likes to grow in dark and damp places, which means any area in your bathroom is a potential spot.

Be sure to take care of mold before it causes damage to your home. This is why you should always keep an eye out for signs of mold and regularly clean.

  1. Kill Mold With Vinegar

Cleaning mildew from showers and tubs is a multi-step process. The first thing you’ll want to do is kill the mold and stop it from growing.

Vinegar is a great option for killing mold because it’s high-acidity can kill up to 80% of mold species. It’s also affordable and free of chemicals, so you don’t have to worry about exposing yourself to it.

Pour vinegar into a spray bottle and don’t dilute it. Spray down the moldy area and leave for one hour to fully kill off all the mold spores.

When that’s done, use a paper towel or disposable rag to wipe down the area. Don’t forget to remove mildew from shower curtains too, since they often tend to grow mold.

  1. Remove Stains

Once the mold is killed and gone, you might be left with some unsightly stains in your bathroom. If this happens, you can use a bleach mixture to clean the area.

In a spray bottle, combine one part bleach with two parts water. Spray the stained area and wait for it to dry. After the mixture dries, you can spray it again and then use a scrub brush to remove difficult stains.

If the bleach mixture isn’t enough, try mixing baking soda and water into a paste. Use this paste to deep clean trouble spots until it looks shiny and new.

  1. Remove Caulking

When mold is left to spread, it can grow into the caulking of your tub or shower. If this happens, you’ll need to remove all of the caulking before cleaning.

Depending on how bad the mold growth is, you may need to call a professional for shower regrouting. This will ensure that all the moldy caulking has been removed, and it will likely be replaced with a mold-resistant formula.

  1. Boost Ventilation

Having proper ventilation in your bathroom is a simple way to prevent mold from growing in the first place. The airflow will help prevent the room from getting too damp.

Make sure to turn on your ventilation fan during your shower or bath. Leave it on for at least thirty minutes afterward so that the warm, moist air can be fully blown out.

  1. Wash Bathroom Accessories

Wet rags and loofahs can be perfect places for mold to grow. To prevent this from happening, make sure your bathroom accessories are allowed to dry.

  1. Reduce Clutter

Shampoo bottles, soap bars, razors, and loofahs are all essential tools for a refreshing shower. However, too much clutter in your tub can lead to growing mold.

It’s a good idea to de-clutter your shower and throw away any accessories you don’t use. Make sure everything is allowed to dry instead of sitting in puddles of water.

  1. Vinegar Spray

In addition to proper ventilation, having a vinegar spray handy is an easy way to prevent mold from growing again. Vinegar makes a great shower mold cleaner because its acidity kills off mold and its spores.

Fill a spray bottle and keep it near your shower. This makes it easy to give everything a quick spritz after you step out.

Make Your Bathroom Shine

Don’t be dismayed by the moldy spots and stains in your bathroom. Bathroom mold removal is a simple task if you address it right away. You can even use chemical-free ingredients to mix a solution that will kill and prevent mold from growing again.

Visit the Home section of our site for more helpful ways to protect your family.

Looking for more ways to keep your home in tip-top shape? Read our guide on cleaning your home even when you have pets.



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