Health & Fitness

Proper Order for Applying Skincare Products

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The sequence that you follow for applying products on your face creates a significant and visible difference on your skin. There’s no use buying the most effective products if you’re not going to use them properly.

Skincare is personal—it matches the type of skin you have, whether it’s normal, oily, dry, combination, or sensitive. Your morning regimen will be different from what you do before bedtime because your skin has different needs during each time. Hydration, sun exposure, and outdoor pollution are your primary concerns during the day, while skin repair, dermatology, and rejuvenation are what you should focus on at night.

Basic Principles

  • The natural order for product application is “thinnest to thickest” in consistency because it takes time for them to be absorbed by your skin.
  • To notice the effect of your daily regimen, use the products consistently over at least six weeks.

Morning Regimen

  1. Cleanse

Your face usually gets exposed to pollutant-carrying dust mites on your pillow cases while you sleep. Use a facial cleanser that suits your needs: a gel or foaming cleanser for normal to oily skin and a cleansing face cream for dry skin. To prevent your skin from dryness and itchiness you can use not only face cream, but also natural soap made of goat milk, which keeps skin nourished and hydrated

People with sensitive skin should choose products with oats, chamomile, aloe, and green tea

polyphenols and avoid cleansers with alcohol, acid, fragrance, or soap.

  1. Use a toner or astringent.

Toners replenish your skin and remove dirt and dead cells that are left behind after using a

cleanser. Toners are especially helpful for oily or acne-prone skin types because they also

remove sebum and oil from the pores.

  1. Apply serum.

Some of the best serums are water-based and full of botanical extracts and antioxidants.

Applying a vitamin C serum at the start of the day will smooth the skin’s texture, provide sun protection, and slow down the signs of aging.

  1. Moisturize.

Moisturizers will lock in moisture after your serum has penetrated your skin. Fluids and gels are

recommended for oily skin. Meanwhile, balms or creams should be used on dry skin. Normal to

combination skin can use thicker creams.

  1. Finish off with sunscreen.

About 90% of skin aging comes from the sun so wear sunblock cream or lotion daily. Choose

brands with SPF 30 or higher. Apply 15-30 minutes before going outdoors then reapply every

few hours.

Evening Regimen

  1. Cleanse.

As a rule, don’t wear makeup to bed to avoid clogging your pores and having acne. Use an oil-based cleanser to break down the oily ingredients in your makeup or water-based products if you don’t wear makeup or have oily skin.

  1. Tone.

Toning detoxifies and brings back the normal pH or balance of your skin, which is slightly acidic

at 4.6 to 6.4. Look for products with lactic acid, hyaluronic acid, and glycerin.

Note: Exfoliate or use a clay mask once or twice a week before using your toner to de-clog pores and remove dead skin.

  1. Treat your skin with serum.

Target aging or acne concerns at night: a retinol serum is recommended for fine lines and

wrinkles, while glycolic acid-based serum is advised for acne.

  1. Moisturize.

Lighter moisturizers or products in gel form are good for summer, while heavier creams are

advisable for winter.

5. Cosmetic Dermatology Procedures.

Barnett Dermatology offers patients comprehensive care for both medical and cosmetic dermatology.  Boca Raton dermatology board-certified dermatologist has extensive experience with dermatologic and cosmetic surgery.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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