Health & Fitness

Prevent Acne: 5 Hacks You Need To Know

Acne can be quite frustrating and exasperating, there’s no denying that. It’s no wonder the acne scar removal industry is a million-dollar entity and is only growing larger by the day. However, as much as acne can be pervasive, omnipresent and virtually commonplace, it does not necessary mean that there’s nothing you can do to stop your skin from breaking out in the first place. In fact, prevention being easier, cheaper and better than cure means that the bulk of your efforts should actually be channeled towards stopping the pimples from showing up rather than clamoring to look for a solution when it’s too late.

Without further ado, here are the top 5 hacks that you need to know to prevent acne


1. Wash Your Face Routinely and Properly and Apply A Moisturizer

Knowing how to wash your face properly and doing it religiously can go a long way in keeping excess oil, dirt and sweat from triggering a nasty flare up. Actually, washing your face with a suitable mild cleanser should be the main highlight of your dermatological routine if you hope not to fall victim to perpetual acne breakouts, especially if your skin is prone to pimples. This way, you won’t have to purchase expensive scar removers later on.

Speaking of which, the cleanser should be alcohol-free and should be used sparingly whenever you wash your face i.e ideally, every night before bed and after dawn. And if your face starts to feel oily during the day, use a blotting paper to get rid of the excess sebum rather than washing your face entirely. Don’t forget to use a moisturizer as this keeps your skin well-hydrated and youthful-looking.

2. Go for the Right Skincare Products to Avoid Having Dry Skin on Face

The crux of an effective skincare regimen that can stop breakouts from happening without fail is using the right products tailored specifically for your skin type. If you have dry skin, for instance, you should go for products that can give you that extra bit of moisturization and hydration to keep it soft and supple. Steer clear from clay, foaming cleansers, charcoal mask or alcohol-containing skincare products as it can dry out or irritate your skin. Instead, go for gentle cleansers, cream lotions, moisturizing balms and organic facial oils.

It is not just that, build up your skin from inside out by taking acne-stopping tablets even if you don’t have a breakout yet. These Aeno pills for skin are an incredible example of a perfectly-formulated supplement that can make maintaining a glowing complexion easy.

3. Choose Acne-friendly Makeup Paired with Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin C

The type of makeup that you choose to use can make or break your pimple-preventing efforts. While it is indeed tempting to cover your pimples with makeup, wearing the wrong type of this cosmetic can clog up your pores and worsen the breakouts. For this reason, it is imperative to go for non-pore clogging (non-comedogenic) products rather than ordinary or conventional variants. Also, instead of using heavy foundation, opt for a tinted moisturizer or a light layer of fine powder foundation. In similar tandem, stay away from greasy formulas and try to not to make it a habit to wear excessive makeup.

Other than that, it would help greatly if the makeup or cosmetics you use are free from fragrances and harsh chemicals.

4. Wanna Beat the Acne System? Drink Water

Of the numerous facts about acne, none stands out so conspicuously than the immense role that water plays in keeping your skin flawless. In fact, one of the tell-tale signs that your skin is dehydrated is being prone to flare ups and pimples. You see, dehydrated skin implies that the protective barrier that keeps foreign matter away is compromised. This makes your skin vulnerable to irritation that later culminates to a skin breakout that may not go away so easily.

What’s more, the irritation will sometimes trigger a heightened production of sebum that then becomes clogged pores before morphing into even more breakouts in the long run. Now, your skin is close to 60% water and so to keep it hydrated and healthy, it is advisable to drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water throughout the day. It should also go without saying that you ought to drink more water on warmer days or whilst working out intensely.

Speaking of hydration, ensure that the acne spot treatment method you are using involves keeping the skin well moisturized as dry skin stimulates your sebaceous glands to secrete more oil in a bid to make up for the lack of sufficient moisture. As we have seen before, this could clog up your pores, and start a snowball reaction that keeps you in the vicious cycle of pimples.

5. Avoid Clogged Pores By Keeping Your Hands Away from Your Face

Even if you wash your hands every other minute, your fingers are still a melting pot of millions of bacteria, pathogens and germs that can be easily transferred to your precious face if you always get into a habit of touching your face oftenly. In fact, each time you touch your face unnecessarily, you are essentially transferring impurities and grime from the surfaces that you frequently get into contact with to your face. This could later on clog out your pores and soon a nasty breakout will be brewing.

It is critical to also avoid popping and squeezing pimples if you are to avoid post-acne scarring in the future. While bursting pustules and pimples feel satisfying or even tempting, doing so only drives the inflammation deeper into the skin and opens the door to permanent scarring later on.

In Conclusion

Just like the old adage goes, prevention has always been miles better than cure. Actively preventing breakouts even before they happen will pay more dividends for your complexion in the long run than attempting to fix a flare up or clearing up your skin via scar removers. Proper skin hygiene, even something as unassuming as changing your pillowcases regularly, can make a huge difference in keeping your face clear and pimples away.














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