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NEWAIR 12,000 BTU Portable Air Conditioner REVIEW, keeping you cool all day long! Product model: NAC12KWH03

Disclosure: I was not compensated for this post. However, I did receive a product from the company, and I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC guidelines.


With so many different types of air conditioners available today, choosing the one that works best for you can be difficult, especially if you don’t know what factors to take into account before making a purchase.

We closed on a new house this month, and one of the appliances in the home was an air conditioner which had been installed a few years ago per the owners. You can imagine how relieved we were to learn that the house had AC.

However, it looks that the unit is a bit smaller than we anticipated, which meant that it didn’t chill the entire house as I had anticipated.

Although the air conditioner does keep the house cool, I would still like my bedroom to be a little bit colder. Especially since I’m dealing with hot flashes…lol!

So, my next goal was to locate a mid-size air conditioner that would be both tall and slim enough to perfectly fit in my bedroom space.

Well, I found just what I needed for my office, and it came from the brand Newair. The Newair 12,000 BTU Portable Air Conditioner is an excellent example of all I require in terms of a modern appearance and amazing features.


There won’t be any more hot, muggy days and nights in my bedroom. As you can see, this unit has a 12,000 BTU (8,000 BTU DOE) capacity and a sleek, modern AC design that allows it to be installed virtually any place in your house. You can’t beat that! It is simple to install, simply connect the exhaust line to the extendable window vent and you’re done—no need to struggle with cumbersome, ugly window AC units.

My husband quickly installed and set up this unit, and it was soon cool enough that when I returned to the room, the cool air struck my face and, yes, it felt wonderful!

NewairI really love how this Newair 12,000 BTU Portable Air Conditioner unit’s flap slowly opens when we turned it on, revealing the vent that is directly on top. Facilitating easy air movement across my bedroom space, plus, the Newair 12,000 BTU Portable Air Conditioner has all the visible buttons right at your fingertips on top of the unit to operate.


The Newair 12,000 BTU Portable Air Conditioner has a self-evaporative system, operates quietly, has a dehumidifying mode, and yes, it has a remote control and timer to help you control the temperature and the unit.


With the exception of the wettest conditions, the self-evaporative system boosts efficiency and does away with the need to empty the water tank.

Anyone who respects energy conservation and simply requires air cooling for a small space may consider the Newair 12,000 BTU Portable Air Conditioner as a perfect option.

Some more of its impressive features include:

  • Lightweight, square design stores easily to maximize space
  • Self-evaporative system reduces the need to empty the water tank
  • Easy, temporary installation eliminates ugly window air conditioning.
  • Energy-efficient features include fan mode and dehumidifying mode.
  • Cool Your Way with programmable timer, thermostat, and fan speeds

This Newair 12,000 BTU Portable Air Conditioner is again slim and space-friendly, so you won’t ever have to worry about a large window portable air conditioner again. With its lovely contemporary black and white style, it is made to compliment any home. Put this unit anywhere you choose, install the window kit, and let it do its job by keeping your space cool! Most of all, being able to use this as a fan only, or easily switch to air conditioner is a plus within itself!

If there are any unforeseen issues with the Newair 12,000 BTU Portable Air Conditioner (8,000 BTU DOE) model, get in touch with them as soon as possible, this model comes with a 1-year guarantee, This Newair air conditioner should last you close to 10 years with good use and maintenance before developing any problems.

There is no way that this Newair conditioner, which has cooler air, energy-saving features, a small footprint, and a great unit for an affordable price, won’t provide you with everything you’ve been looking for to help keeping your home space cool on those hot days.

I don’t know about you, but I consider Newair to be one of my “GO TO BRANDS,” and I’ll be honest: “I LOVE THEIR BRAND“! Our Newair 12,000 BTU portable air conditioner is now a favorite of ours, and I have had so many people inquire about our unit.

My bedroom hasn’t felt this good since we moved in, it’s cool, comfortable and I can relax without all that humidity.

Believe me when I say that Newair sells a wide range of goods that will fit and function effectively in your home. Great customer service and a full year’s warranty are provided by the business! If your bedroom or living room, or office needs a little extra cool air, the Newair 12,000 BTU Portable AC unit is a dependable instrument to use to create a cool breeze.

Grab your remote, turn it on, and sit back and let it do its job!




You can visit NewAir online here and don’t forget to connect with them via social media: FacebookTwitterInstagram| and Pinterest to keep up with the latest about all products.




Disclosure: I was not compensated for this post. However, I did receive a product from the company, and I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC guidelines.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

43 thoughts on “NEWAIR 12,000 BTU Portable Air Conditioner REVIEW, keeping you cool all day long! Product model: NAC12KWH03

  • Looks amazing, I would love one of these!

  • Thanks for the chance
    This would help

  • Please do a giveaway that would be awesome!

  • A/C went out at the peak of summer and so did everyone else in my condo complex and and the entire propery of other properties in the area only had 4-6 on hand for over 500-1000 condos and like 20-30 units were out. So This would have come in clutch until the repair could be made.

  • I think its a cool device but for me it’s a big no lol. no to portable or convenient AC. i think if you are home just use your home AC or if at work i’m sure they have AC there too

  • Yes, a great giveaway with sooo many heatwaves hitting the country

  • This would be a great giveaway.

  • This would be a great giveaway. This portable AC would be so useful in a workshop/shed.

  • Yes, definitely do a give away for this! Much needed for parts of the US that are under such heat waves

  • Yes. I would love to win it.

  • Oh my goodness! This would be a great giveaway! My Mom has a very old house and the upstairs (her bedroom) is always hot since the air doesn’t work well up there. This would be so perfect for her!

  • What a great gadget to keep you cool in these hot summer month. I love it

  • This is really nice. I have never seen or heard of one like this.

  • Looks like a great air conditioner. I really like that it’s portable. That is such a great feature.

  • Looks amazing! Perfect for the heat waves!

  • Great, but I want a new dinner set its year.

  • My dad actually just got an AC kind of like this I am so jealous I love the one he got. It works wonderful. I would love to have one myself.

  • Yes! This would be an amazing item to win! I could, and would certainly use it!

  • With this summer, this would be amazing!

  • This look perfect for our new home! Love the design and love that it is a standing unit!

  • I would love to win this. Our AC downstairs doesn’t work and we don’t have the money to replace it right now.

  • I would love to win this next!

  • would be nice for hot weather

    • This definitely would be an amazing product to win.

  • This would be a great win. What I’d love to win most next would maybe be a gift card for dinner out somewhere or a movie pass to see something I’ve been dying to watch.

    • Yes, to win one

  • What a convenient AC unit. This is definitely handy for those hot days especially if you don’t have whole house AC.

  • This would actually be great to win. I could use one of these in our rooms where it does not get cold in.

  • This will be perfect for my parents lake trailer. They need a new ac unit.

  • Well this would be good for us right now. We’re on day 4 waiting for the repair man. We may melt over here before he arrives.

  • This sounds great. I need to get a new one as the old one stopped working a while back. We’ve had some hot days lately.

  • I have a friend looking for one of these! I’ll let her know about this one! Thanks!

  • I love the idea that it’s portable. It can be in any room I want and prefer! Love the idea!

  • Thank you for the detailed review. We’re currently in the market for a reliable air purifier.

  • My landlord is making me get rid of my window a/c until that I’ve had for 3 years. They do allow this type of AC so I could use this now, especially since we have had so many days over 100.

  • The heat has been unbearable. This would be perfect for those HOT days.

  • This is the one that I’ve been looking for! This is perfect for my son’s small room! I’m surely going to check this out!

  • This portable air conditioner looks pretty heavy duty, and considering these heat waves I’d love to give it a try!

  • This is the perfect portal AC for us when we travel! When traveling we usually use a fan app on my phone because we can’t fall asleep without something sounding like a fan! Can’t wait to try this!

    • I’d love to win one of these.


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