
Dissertation Introduction

Acquaintance always begins with a first impression. This rule applies to absolutely everything, including the dissertation. That is why its introductory part is so important. The higher the level of quality of the first lines, the higher the level all your work will be evaluated. The information in the introduction for a dissertation should be interesting and intriguing so that the reader will want to know more about your work. A good introduction will set the tone for the entire paper and let readers know the seriousness and importance of your work.

What Does a Dissertation Introduction Include

As strange as it may sound, a dissertation introduction also has its introduction. In other words, there should be a good beginning. How to start a dissertation introduction? The answer is simple: start with the main issues that will be addressed in your paper. This will help the reader to quickly understand what it will be about and whether the topic is interesting to them. And if you can present the main topic as a very important and vital issue that concerns all people, the number of interested readers will increase significantly.

If you have difficulties with this, it is not shameful to ask for help from specialized services that provide services for writing a dissertation introduction. For example, AssignmentHolic can help you write your dissertation introduction at different stages of its creation or completely from scratch. They also provide freely accessible informational articles that describe solutions to many problems, including when writing a dissertation.

How to Attract Attention in the Introduction of the Dissertation

There are many ways to describe the main idea of your dissertation in an unusual and creative way. In addition, you do not have to limit yourself to using a single technique. You can combine several of them, which will make the introduction more interesting and individual:

  • Give examples from life or literature to support the importance of your research.
  • You should not reveal your main arguments right away but rather try to make small hints about them.
  • Inadvertently mention little details that you can refer to in the following parts of the dissertation.
  • To attract attention, use something really shocking: an interesting fact, an unusual statistic, or bold assumptions about the topic of your dissertation.
  • To reinforce the effect, you can use disproven studies, the falsity of which you will discuss in the following chapters of your paper.

If you manage to intelligently combine and use several of these methods, the result will be stunning. After all, from the very first lines, the reader will get enough information to think about but not enough to come up with specific answers. And for these answers, he or she will go further through the pages of your work.


The introduction of your dissertation is just as important as the exploration of its main topic. After all, your work will only be appreciated if it reaches the right audience. And high-quality and catchy first lines will not only increase the chances of success but also accelerate the process of dissemination of your work.


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