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New App Helps Divorced Couples Co-Parent Better.

When a relationship or marriage ends, it’s hard on both the couple and their kids. This is especially true is the couple doesn’t agree on the divorce terms and the process takes months or over a year. Fortunately, many split couples try their best to put their kids first. And thanks to a new smartphone app, co-parenting has never been easier.

Based on Hypenus, Inc.’s Intelligent Dispute Resolution (IDR) platform, coParenter is an app that helps parents manage and organize all aspects of co-parenting. This includes visitation schedules, child support bills, and so much more. All in all, this app can help parents save time and money by keeping them out of court.

The new app offers endless benefits for parents trying to make the best of their situation. Parents who use the app can keep people out of court by managing expenses and reimbursements, to-do lists, and location tracking for passing the child between parents. Furthermore, it’s a safe place to keep important documents, like divorce agreements and other evidence used in the divorce case.

Not only can coParenter keep things organized, but it can also help keep communication between parents civil. There are in-app language filters and contextual AI to help communication flow and avoid conflict — there’s even an un-editable messaging feature to ensure parents remain civil. Parents who use the app can also have access to mediation services by easily connecting with a coParenter professional or outside co-parenting coach for when situations do escalate.

According to said Jonathan Verk, CEO and co-founder, coParenter, “Too many children of separated, divorced and never-married parents experience excessive levels of toxic stress from exposure to their parents’ ongoing conflict, in and out of court… The platform helps them predict and prevent conflict, so they can focus on the well-being of their children. If conflict occurs, they can access a live co-parenting professional who can mediate agreements and resolve disputes quickly, legally, and for way less than it costs to file a motion.”

With about 40% to 50% of American marriages ending in divorce, there are plenty of parents looking for help. The pilot version of the app was launched in March of 2017. Since then, the app has helped more than 2,000 couples manage their co-parenting schedules and resolve over 4,000 disputes. One parent can even use the app in SoloMode, allowing them to have access to all of the app’s features and stay connected with the other parent by sending them updates through a separate phone number.

Navigating a sticky divorce or separation situation is never easy, but this app may help. Parents can now download coParenter through Google Play or the Apple App Store.


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