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NanoMagic Force Field Windshield Treatment, works great on any vehicle windshield!!

Are you sick of having bugs, salt, and anything else the birds in the flock above your head decide to pelt your windshield with? I know I am because it feels like bugs are always aiming for my windshield. Additionally, I’ve noticed that my car’s windshield is never truly clear when it rains; instead, it frequently obstructs my vision owing to a film of residue.

Well, what if I told you there was a treatment called NanoMagic Force Field that targets your windshield and keeps it clean and clear for a whole year, yes, that’s right, a whole year.  You see, this all-in-one kit includes everything you need to improve your driving visibility,

  • 15mL Force Field® nanocoating
  • 6oz Windshield Glass Cleaner
  • Telescoping Squeegee
  • 1 Pair of Gloves
  • 2 Large Microfiber Cloths

You may be asking what is this? Well, the NanoMagic Force Field windshield treatment forms a hydrophobic, non-stick barrier that deters rain and shields your glass from bugs, salt, and whatever else a flock of birds decides to pelt it with while flying overhead. Their all-inclusive package comes with everything you require to maintain a clear windshield.

The windshield treatment is very easy to use, first you spray on the NanoMagic glass cleaner onto your windshield to remove any oil, dirt, or poop particles.

I must admit that the cleaner has a very good smell. After that, use one of your microfiber cloths to wipe the cleaner off the window. You will then put on your gloves, just like we did at the beginning to prepare. Once your gloves are on, take your force field windshield protection solution and evenly spread it over your Telescoping Squeegee.


Apply the solution across your entire window evenly with your squeegee then wait the recommended timeframe of 1-5 minutes for the solution to bond with the windshield, squeegee off the excess.


Last, use your second microfiber cloth and windshield cleaner to remove any residue. This will leave your window free from streaks and provide you with clear visibility!

Before long, our car windshield was clean, and even when we placed some water upon the window you could see the water just roll off and the windshield clear and clean…VIOLA!!


I can’t wait to try this system out on our other car, it was pretty cold today, so I was only able to complete one car at a time. I know my car windshield is always dirty with something, especially bird crap. To know that the NanoMagic Force Field windshield solution will create a barrier that repels rain and protects against bugs, salt, and anything that hits my window is a big “PLUS” for my cars!

Take a look for yourself to see just how easy this solution is to use on your car windshield.

I appreciate how convenient this system is with everything I need to address my windshield and approve my visibility, how it protects my windows, can be applied in under 15 minutes, is long-lasting and created in America! All of this makes me want to purchase one for my kids and family especially since they too drive daily to work and across the globe traveling.

I really believe the NanoMagic Force Field windshield solution would make a great Christmas present, after all who wouldn’t want to get rid of those pesty bugs, salt residue or bird poops…I know I would! There’s nothing like a clear view while you’re driving!!


Listen, you too can try out the NanoMagic Force Field windshield solution and get 20% off until 12/30, use code;NANONIGHTHELPER! How cool is that!



You can visit NanoMagic to see this product and more, don’t forget to connect with them via Facebook | Twitter | Instagram| Youtube| to keep up with the latest.




Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

26 thoughts on “NanoMagic Force Field Windshield Treatment, works great on any vehicle windshield!!

  • Eager to test NanoMagic Force Field further! Bird droppings are a constant battle. Repelling rain, bugs, and salt sounds fantastic. It’s a plus for car care, especially with winter’s chill limiting single-car applications.

  • Very great! Looks easy! Thanks for the review!

  • Now that is interesting, glad you don’t get frost here very often.

  • This would be great to use on my car.

  • Never heard of this product before. Thank you for sharing.

  • Looks good! I am betting my husband would love this for his truck!

  • I work in the windshield industry and this is great info!

  • had no idea something like this existed. i have the typical spray you load into the wipers. this looks even better

  • Looks like a great product. I don’t have a car, but I bet it work great in other things – windows, shower doors, etc.

  • That stuff has an incredible appearance! During the monsoon season in Arizona, I was in desperate need of that!

  • A dirty windshield can be so aggravating! It is nice to know there are some products out there that can help. I’ll definitely be giving this a try.

  • This looks like a really great product that I should try, my car really needs this

  • I love the idea that it creates a non-stick barrier on my glass. I am sure that everything will be easier!

  • WE actually are going to call and have one of our cars windshields replaced but may be this will work! Love things like this and looks pretty good 😉 Thank you for sharing!

  • This looks like it would be a handy product to use where I live, especially during hurricane/rainy seasons!

  • I need this! I can’t stand having a dirty windshield and I feel like the cleaning stuff at the gas stations is terrible.

  • This looks like a very good idea for my husband. It could sure help with his vision.

  • This is amazing info for car owners, and the perfect holiday gift as well!

  • This is a product that I need to try. I wonder if it would work on shower doors.

  • I need this! My windshield is pretty filthy at the moment and needs a cleaning.

  • This could probably be very helpful here too. Not for bird poo but all the bugs that wind up on the windshield.

  • That stuff looks amazing!! I sure needed that during monsoon season here in AZ!

  • Living in an area where we have severe bug issues while driving a couple of times a year, this would be the perfect product to help with that. The Love Bugs are just horrendous on windshields and trying to drive. Thanks for sharing.


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