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My Daughter Turned Three Months with Alma Crib, Orange Alma mini crib. #guest post

My lovely daughter turned three months just the other day. My husband and I were relatively excited that she grew well becoming beautiful everyday. We wanted to make her even happy by getting her the right type of Alma Crib that was fashionable, latest and stylish. We had not done enough research to settle on which type but all we wanted is that she gets the best from her loving parents. In our inquiries, we noted that Alma crib had been designed for urban spaces. It would fit well in our two bed roomed apartment in town. Alma crib is all about style, mobility and storage. Our daughter’s crib would be beautifully designed folding bassinet, with stainless steel detailing; the perfect choice for us. This idea was working very well especially after realizing that Alma crib was readily available in the market with all the qualities of our choice. The fact that Alma crib, orange crib bedding had compact-fold construction for easy storage and transport; we had already started falling in love with it especially the orange mini crib. Any mommy would easily understand how hectic it can be trying to get something just right for your beloved child. The information we had got from our friends was very relevant regarding that they had prior knowledge of these furniture.

It Is Not Orange Alma Mini Crib If the Baby’s Room Does Not Stand Out Distinctively.

All the time I had seen and thought of Alma mini crib, one crib stood out in my mind. I suppose the Orange mini crib is rather difficult to ignore when it comes out brilliant colors. There is no way I could by pass such gorgeous orange bedding, I would have imagined like any other apart from the Orange crib. There were many that tried to compete with this but trust me; none had the qualities to outdo the orange crib. My husband really liked it especially because of it had the capability to solve our house space issues. It had perfect sturdy construction in a smaller but average footprint. Interestingly, it could fold up incredibly small with no tools required, so it was possible for us to shift the crib out of the way in a flash. The Orange Alma crib was pretty cool, and different, crib concept designed for everyday use.

The DaVinci Alpha Mini Rocking Crib Is the Most Classic Style

It is the classic style of the DaVinci Rocking Crib that my husband insisted we should buy, the sellers guys were ready to get it dropped at our premise and assembled. The style would complement our home décor, and the size of this crib was small enough to create space for other items in the house. The pad and wheels were included, allowing for a comfortable yet portable design that was ideal for our three months old angel. The crib is usually finished with non-toxic materials that assured the safety of our baby’s skin. The materials involved in making it were lead-and phthalate-safe materials and has a non-toxic finish for our baby’s safety. Every detail we read in books and the knowledge we had gained from friends and families turned out to conquer with our ideas. It was quite interesting to know that is was a Davinci alpha rocking mini crib that would make us stand big in style,  function and stylish. It had the best features that fitted all the aspects of our house. We were glad to know that, that it was possible to take the wheels of the Davinci alpha rocking min crib and gently rock the baby to the bed right in the crib with alpha’s mini crib comforting and rocking. This was quite encouraging to learn that we were not going to sleep any distance away from our beloved baby. She would be very safe as she would not fell of on to the hard surface and likely hurt herself. The rocking stops easily and lets you set your crib at a sturdy standstill. Talking about safety of our child, we had to identify an alpha that is solidly built with a sturdy structure and strong slats.

Buying Davinci Alpha Mini Crib is an Investment Worth Making

The fact after analysis proved that buying the Davinci alpha mini crib was a worthwhile investment. Its features always stood out to amaze us. We would be able to move with it along in our house and compound. It was easy for any of us to push it along. We settled for one made of sustainable pine wooden and CARB compliant MDF.  With its wheels off, it could be used as a rocking cradle and with its wheels on it is easy to wheel and move. When rocking stops, the wheel locks easily lock crib and it stands into a stationery position. This would avoid any freed movement in case it’s placed on a sloppy ground.  The one we had settled for had a nice waterproof pad included in it with four level support mattresses which will protect the baby from knocking on its sides. This was meant to enhance safety for our baby girl. Had we not first decided to conduct a through research, then we would have found ourselves on a crossroad depending on the variety of the same products in the market. Putting into mind that she would not be our last baby, we considered buying one that would serve both purposes.

Mommy Blog


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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