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NH News

Making Your Money Work for You

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Reasons why People save

Most people put their money in the bank, not because they don’t have plans for them, and not because they have too much money to keep it lying around. When saving your money you usually expect high returns. The longer you save, the higher the appreciation rate should be.

Saving can be a way of investing to some people, as they have other things to do, or they may have other reservations about other ways of investing. Even if others may be investing their money elsewhere, the money that they save also needs to grow bigger.

By saving your money with a particular bank, you are helping the bank to stay in business, and so you should be appreciated for this. With the ever growing competitive financial markets, financial institutions are supposed to put the needs of the client first before their own. You should explore the options available before saving your cash with any banks, some banks exists just because they want to make a huge profit from you while you get so much less.

Many financial institutions have many features that lure people to secure loans with them, but when it comes to those who are saving, not much is given.  There are a few banks which also have those saving in mind.

Take the lone star bank for example. They offer their customers Certificates of Deposit which are accounts that limit risk and offer higher interest than normal savings account at a fixed rate.

OCBC 360 Account

The OCBC bank saving account is a good example of a high yield savings account you should consider having.

The bank has incentives which if you make good use of, you will earn more interest on your savings. This bank gives you more reasons to save your money. With them, saving is investing. With this bank you:

  • Have 0.50% as base interest for the entire balance,

You also have an additional 12% bonus interest when you:

  • Deposit RM 500 every month,
  • Pay bills online every month,
  • Spend RM 500 on your OCBC credit card monthly,

This means that you get rewarded to do the obvious things that you do on a monthly basis, and this is not a scheme. It is getting what you are supposed to get as a client, and hassles are limited in this quest.

Online Banking Services

This is one of the great things to enjoy with such a bank. You can register and open an account online and avoid the physical banking hassles. You can then download the app to your phone, deposit funds and make your money grow. You can also pay for goods and services and pay bills without moving from where you are. This makes easy for you to operate and manage your account.  When you enjoy yourself, or when you do something else, your money will be working for you and you will be more motivated in saving your cash.

People should be getting what they deserve; other people should not be feeding on your sweat. The OCBC savings account is a high yielding savings account that you should consider having. It is really nice being appreciated for your good efforts; don’t be manipulated into accepting mediocre offers, we all deserve better treatment especially where our hard-earned money is involved.



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