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How to Make Your Daughter’s Sweet Sixteen Memorable

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Your daughter’s sweet sixteen should be a memorable event. It’s a fun rite of passage that recognizes she is maturing into adulthood. But even though she is gaining some independence, your teen still needs you. In fact, surveys show that about 75% of all teens actually still enjoy hanging out with their parents. It’s actually vital to their development and success later on in life. What this means for you is that you shouldn’t let such an important birthday go by without allowing yourself to be a part of it. Here are just a few suggestions for making her sweet sixteen the best yet.

Throw her a party

Maybe even more than her parents, a teenager’s friends are her closest connections. In fact, she probably spends more time with them than she does at home. Healthy friendships will help your teen grow into a healthy adult. They can provide her with confidence and acceptance. They can keep her out of trouble if they are good influences. One of the best ways to encourage your daughter to have healthy friendships is by including them in your life. Inviting her friends over and including them in activities such as birthday parties can help you keep an eye on who she is hanging out with. And the more her friends are invited into your home, the more likely she is to pick the ones you’ll approve of.

Take her on a trip

Studies show that family getaways contribute significantly to the relationships between its members. They promote bonding, solidarity, and communication. And no matter what time of year it is, there is always somewhere special you can take your teen. In the winter months, you can take her on a ski trip, and during the summer, the beach is always a dream location. Or if she’s particularly into travelling, pick an exotic location your family has never been to. The trip can be a family only getaway or you can allow a friend to tag along. Either way, vacations make the best memories.

Photograph her

Mark the special occasion with a quality studio portrait of her. Or hire a talented friend to capture her at her best. Allow her to be herself, but to dress up a little more than usual if she’s willing. You can even take her shopping for a new outfit for the special occasion. This portrait can then be turned into custom canvas prints that you can cherish forever. It’s also a piece that can be used as part of the decor for her party.

Pamper her

Aside from shopping for the perfect outfit, you could treat her to a full-service spa day. Find a day spa in your area that offers facials, massages, manicures, and hair styling. Allow her to take a friend along for extra fun, or just make it a mother-daughter bonding experience she’ll always remember.

Give her a memorable gift

The gift you give your daughter for her sweet sixteen should be something she’ll always treasure. And it’s nice if the gift is something of quality that will last her all her life. It’s even better if it’s something that she can pass down to her daughter. For example, you can pick up a beautiful solitaire necklace at a premier jewelry store in Birmingham, AL, or a uniquely designed ring with a personal engraving inside. And you don’t have to cash in your life savings to buy her gift. Stick with what you can afford. A simple piece of jewelry that means something to her will be just as valuable to her as an expensive gem.



Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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