Health & Fitness

Mail Order Pharmacy Programs Gaining Popularity Across United States

The global pharmaceutical market is projected to reach $1.12 trillion by 2022. As more and more people around the globe are in need of various medications, the market will continue to grow. Technology will help the market grow exponentially.

According to The Washington Post, mail-order pharmacy options are becoming a viable option for many Americans in need of regular medication.

Since nearly 60% of American adults take at least one prescription drug, health insurers are pushing individuals and families to consider mail-order pharmacy programs.

“It’s all about convenience,” said Mohamed Jalloh, pharmacist and the official spokesperson for the American Pharmacists Association. “You don’t have to leave home or wait in long lines. Plus, it’s easy to get all your medication refilled and shipped at one time and is usually more affordable.”

Even children will be able to benefit from mail-order pharmacy services, though the parents will have to authorize everything. Currently, approximately 10% of U.S. children between the ages of 3 to 17 years old receive professional mental health treatment or counseling, and there are various pharmaceutical products that can now be delivered right to their door and provide medical assistance.

There are a few concerns, however, when it comes to mail-order pharmacy orders. Some people are worried that the products being shipped won’t be as high-quality, but that’s not likely.

“Whether it’s a retail store or mail order, a licensed pharmacist physically checks every prescription before it goes to the recipient,” added Albert Wertheimer, professor of social and administrative pharmacy at Touro College of Pharmacy in New York City. “It’s the law.”

According to NPR, there is one threat that could pose risks to some mail-order medications: extreme temperatures.

The majority of prescription bottles state that they should be stored at room temperature or refrigerated. But when medications are delivered by mail, especially to areas that are far away, there could be serious issues.

“We sometimes experience temperatures like they would feel in Arizona,” said Loretta Boesing, who lives in Park Hills, Missouri, where weather can vary dramatically from season to season. “Sometimes we experience temperatures like they would feel up north.”

Pharmacies that offer mail-order services aren’t ignoring these temperature problems, however, they are actively searching for solutions to ensure that each patient receives quality medications that aren’t compromised.

“If there’s an extreme heat situation where a product is going into 100-plus degree weather, the system will tell the technician to add an extra ice pack,” said Alysia Heller, lead pharmacist at OptumRX. “Because we’ve monitored the zip code and the weather in that area.


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