Listening to smooth Jazz with my new ION Sound Shine Speaker!
Howdy everyone, I just wanted to inform you that I was not compensated for this post. However, I did receive a product from the company below and the opinions expressed in this post are 100% my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC guidelines. All prize fulfillment will be provided by Sponsors.

Do you enjoy listening to music? Are you looking for a cool way to stream your music? Well, sit back and check out this awesome Ion Sound Shine Speaker. This speaker, light bulb will have your guest amazed as to how it works!
This great Sound Shine Bluetooth Wireless Light Bulb Speaker will accent any room with its ability to bring light and music to any part of your home. They’re so easy to install, just screw them right into any light socket, and download the Ion app from your Bluetooth-enabled phone, tablet or computer and wait for it to sync up.
No matter if you wish to use one bulb or two you can still link them up together or separately so you and your guest or family can enjoy smooth music wireless from above. I mean really, seeing this innovative speaker in action is awesome and truly unbelievable. The sound is clear and rich which allows you to enjoy every note to every voice, to every instrument clearly. Again,each speaker bulb can be used independently in any room, image this nice wireless speaker in your bathroom socket, let the serenading begin while you bathe!
This ION Sound Shine is definitely the ideal speaker and here’s why, no wires, no batteries, no installation need, the speaker provides warm white illumination equivalent to a 60 watt light bulb and has the ability to dim your lights also.
So the next time you’re getting ready to entertain, break out with your ION Sound Shine. Download your ION App and follow the easy instructions and enjoy streaming through your light! Sit back and watch your friends and family talk about how awesome the ION SOund Shine Speakers are!
Oh, don’t worry if something is not working right with your Ion Sound Shine light bulb. You have a Manufacturer’s 90-day limited warranty plus with Christmas coming soon these will be a perfect gift for that music lover!
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Howdy everyone, I just wanted to inform you that I was not compensated for this post. However, I did receive a product from the company below and the opinions expressed in this post are 100% my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC guidelines. All prize fulfillment will be provided by Sponsors.
YES Do a giveaway!
Yes to a giveaway – what a neat idea!
Yes, I really like giveaways.
Yes, please do a giveaway. We could all use one of these!
No, this product seems pointless.
Yes, do a giveaway! 🙂
To tell you the truth, I wouldn’t care one way or the other. IF I won this, I would give it away.
I don’t think I’d enter the giveaway, personally, but I think you should do a giveaway for it regardless.
Yes- good giveaway
Yes do the giveaway love the speaker too.
Yes, do a giveaway! I love your giveaways!
This would be a great giveaway.
I honestly think no you shouldn’t. I don’t like it.
If you’d like, sure. It’s not a product that I personally have any interest in.
This would make a great giveaway!
For those with Bluetooth’s this giveaway would be fun.
yes, Yes, YES, definitely yes!
Yes I would love this for a giveaway.
Yes, do a giveaway please!
oh yes,do a giveaway!