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Home & Garden

Keep Your Eyes On Your Loved Ones With Vivitar Deluxe Home Automation Essentials Kit

If you’re seeking to add a little more security to your home, you might want to check out this nice Vivitar home security camera kit. This system will enable you to view everything around your home or office with ease. The All In One Smart Home Starter Kit  will be perfect for your home or office!

The Vivitar Deluxe Home Automation Essentials Kit includes everything you need to get you started. It features a WiFi motion sensor with camera, WiFi electric outlet with 2 USB ports for power, Bluetooth light bulb and night vision mode captures clear images in darker settings, and a built in microSD card slot records video locally.

You’ll be able to stream super clear HD video securely to your phone or tablet with the built-in app or over Wi-Fi. With motion detection, night vision and multi-camera viewing angles you will know exactly what is going on when and where it happens.  You can also set timers to turn light on or off, it has a 2Gb Free Cloud Storage and a talk 2 U technology which will allow you to communicate through the camera

One of the features I think you’ll enjoy is how you can select different colors on your light bulb and not only is your bulb color changing it also has the ability to change colors and strobe at different speeds, pretty cool ha! As you may know there are many smart devices on the market and each one serves a great benefit just like the Vivitar Deluxe Home Automation Essentials Kit.

Personally I like this system for so many reasons, it’s easy to set up, has a motion sensor camera, so anything that moves within your area it will put up, has voice over capabilities and night vision and much more!

It’s always good to know what is going on in and around your home! Once you download the require app and follow instructions for setup you’re ready to view exactly what’s going on around your home! 

The Vivitar Deluxe Home Automation Essentials Kit retails for $88.99 and can be found at many retail stores.


Don’t forget to connect with Vivitar via Facebook| Twitter |Instagram| to keep up with the latest.


Howdy everyone, I just wanted to inform you that I was not compensated for this post. However, I did receive a product from the company below and the opinions expressed in this post are 100% my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC guidelines.




Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

21 thoughts on “Keep Your Eyes On Your Loved Ones With Vivitar Deluxe Home Automation Essentials Kit

  • Security is always very important. I appreciate the vivid review on these fine additions to my gadgets.

  • This Is Amazing !!!! Maybe My Electric Bill Would Be Lower TSVM 4 the Chance 2 Win !!!

  • I love the feature where you can turn light on and off plus the voiceover feature

  • This would be very useful.

  • Incredible that this sort of technology is now affordable and readily available…

  • This would be great, maybe my children would actually turn the lights off when they leave a room. LOL!

  • That looks like a super useful product. I like being able to keep track of what my kids are doing.

  • I love that you can turn light on and off. This would be great for me when I travel and let outsiders think someone is home.

  • I need this for my son, he works 3rd and worries about his daughter when he’s not home.

  • I really like the feature of the different color lights and motion sensors.

  • This is amazing. Would love to get one!

  • I didn’t know that Vivitar had a home security camera kit. I think it’s great because it is something that is needed. I like the features this one has.

  • This looks like a great item to have at home to monitor rooms, kids, pets, or the front entrance! Thanks for sharing!

  • This is so cool! I like the voiceover feature a lot. This would sure give me a sense of security.

  • I would love to have this in my home. We have already had someone on our property at night and this would make me feel safer.

  • as a grandmother to many small children,,i really could use this in my house for when they are spending the night

  • We need this set up at my mil’s home

  • This sounds like a really great, affordable kit. I especially like that it has motion detection, night vision and multi-camera viewing angles.

  • Another great item if would love, but would love for my parents more..peace of mind.

  • I would love to get a Home Automation kit for my parents. I think it would be nice for them.

  • This would be wonderful to have. Our neighbors just recently had some items taken from their front porch!


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