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Johnson & Johnson 7 Minute Wellness for Expecting and New Moms. #7MinMomApp

 Howdy everyone, I just wanted to inform you that I was not compensated for this post. However, I did receive a product from the company below and the opinions expressed in this post are 100% my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC guidelines. All prize fulfillment will be provided by Sponsors.

 johnson & Johnson

The most important thing during your pregnancy is making sure you stay healthy and balanced, it’s vital to both mom and baby. During our pregnancy our lives and bodies begin to change which can become draining on the mind and body. Being pregnant takes so much energy and even though we moms focus more on the baby then ourselves we sometimes find ourselves exhausted and overwhelmed.
Now mom’s Johnson & Johnson Health and Wellness Solutions just announced the launch of the Johnson & Johnson 7 Minute Wellness for Expecting and New Moms™ app, available on the App Store or Google Play.
This new pregnancy wellness app was designed to help expecting and new moms care for both body and mind. From Mind and Body sessions to 7 Minute Workouts, the app is personalized for moms around the world to stay healthy and live vibrant  longer lives,” stated Len Greer, president, Johnson & Johnson Health and Wellness Solutions. “Johnson & Johnson want to help moms maximize their energy to the fullest so they can feel and be their best – for themselves and for those who matter most to them.”
The app was developed using the fundamentals of Energy for Performance training plus insights from a Johnson & Johnson study conducted with approximately 1,400 pre- and post-natal women. The app draws over  30 years of experience and research from the pioneers of human energy management and expansion at the Johnson & Johnson Human Performance Institute. So this is not just any ordinary 7 Minute Workout  app, it has much research and experience behind it
Johnson & Johnson Official 7 Minute Workout®,  pregnancy wellness app will help expecting and new moms care for both body and mind to 7 Minute Workouts sessions. Don’t worry mom because no matter what stage of pregnancy you’re at the app is personalized to accommodate your week of pregnancy or postnatal phase.

The app offers personalized sessions to help moms expand and manage their energy like sessions for individual fitness, energy levels or any physical discomfort she may be experiencing. Another great thing about this app is the workout sessions were designed by Chris Jordan, a director exercise physiology at the Johnson & Johnson Human Performance Institute.

From Mind and Body sessions to 7 Minute Workouts, this app is ready for your mind, body and baby!
The Mind and Body sessions:  shows moms how to help create balance, relax the mind, relieve stress and discomfort, and care for the body. They are guided by Jennifer Lea, Johnson & Johnson Human Performance Institute director client training.
The 7 Minute Workouts: Chris Jordan, Director of Exercise Physiology at the Johnson & Johnson Human Performance Institute, designed these workouts. They can be customized and modified to a week of pregnancy or postnatal phase, as well as fitness and energy levels.* Chris makes it easy to exercise safely and effectively, with no special equipment necessary.
I think the 7 Minute Wellness for Expecting and New Moms™ will be a hit and is a  great resource for pregnant and postnatal wellness. It’s very easy to install and even easier to use plus the app is available now for Apple and Android devices. (Click here to download the app.) Don’t wait mom download it and give it a try. Pssst…no equipment needed nor do you have to leave your home to use this workout!
 You can always keep up with Johnson & Johnson via Facebook| TwitterYoutube | to keep up with the latest.
Howdy everyone, I just wanted to inform you that I was not compensated for this post. However, I did receive a product from the company below and the opinions expressed in this post are 100% my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC guidelines. All prize fulfillment will be provided by Sponsors.


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