Health & Fitness

Introducing the Super Patch Company REM Sleep and FREEDOM PAIN Patch—a game-changer for your daily life!

Are you someone who struggles with sleep issues or pain management?  I know I do and it’s a pain in the butt at times. There are times when I struggle to get enough sleep, and the pain in my lower back can really affect my mobility and overall well-being.

So, when it comes to alternatives like pain/sleep patches, I’m open to trying them out to see how they might alleviate my sleep and pain issues.

Well, look no further!  Imagine sleeping soundly through the night, waking up without any aches or pains, effortlessly conquering your hiking goals with newfound balance and mobility, boosting your metabolism to torch calories, and fully enjoying every backyard barbecue without stress. The Super Patch Company offers a range of products designed to tackle each of these challenges.


The Super Patch Company was kind enough to send me two of their patch sets. One for pain called FREEDOM Patch that targets your aches and pains so you can conquer anything with ease. Enhance your balance and mobility whether you’re walking, outdoors riding, working-out or, or dancing the night away. The FREEDOM Patch includes 28 small patches, which I appreciate for their size and strong adhesive, just makes it easy to apply. It also comes with a pamphlet that I would recommend reading.



I applied the FREEDOM Patch to my knee, and I will be honest, I did feel some relief after a few hours after applying it. I can’t say my pain was completely gone because I only used the patch for a few hours, however it did provide some relief for my aching knee. I look forward to applying one of the FREEDOM Patches to my back where I have chronic pain daily due to an injury. I’m excited to see how it will help me with pain in that area.

What I really like the most about this FREEDOM Patch pain patch is, it is non-invasive with drug free technology which offers relief from minor aches, muscles and joint pain that is commonly associated with daily activities, chores, and more. Any patch that can provide relief is an Okay product to me!!

Now, on to the next The Super Patch which is the REM, the patch that helps you sleep. Just like the FREEDOM Patch, the REM Patch includes 28 small patches. It also comes with a pamphlet that I would recommend reading.



Recently, I’ve struggled to sleep. This year has been incredibly tough, losing so many family members. I just haven’t been able to get a good night’s rest. I think my mind is overwhelmed with grief, and I don’t know how to calm down. However, after trying one of these patches, I did notice I slept a bit longer. Normally, I manage about 3-4 hours, but with the patches, I’ve been getting at least two extra hours of REM sleep from using this patch.

If you’re wondering about my thoughts on The Super Patch Co.  products- REM Patch, and the FREEDOM Patch–I’d say they’re great and have been effective for me so far. I plan to use them daily for a few days to evaluate how well they address my pain and sleep patterns.

One thing is certain: Super Patch is supported by advanced neuroscience and an Advisory Board comprising doctors and scientists committed to enhancing your fullest potential.

Pain and Sleep Patch is designed to provide targeted relief and promote restful sleep. Simply apply the patch before bedtime, and experience the soothing benefits of its advanced formula throughout the night.

Here’s why it’s a must-have: ✨ Sleep Support: The Super Patch company patches are crafted with ingredients known to enhance sleep quality, helping you wake up refreshed and rejuvenated. 🌿 Natural Ingredients: Formulated with natural extracts that are gentle on your skin and promote relaxation. 👍 Convenient Application: Easy to use with a discreet design that adheres comfortably to your skin, allowing you to move freely during the night.

Here’s why having the Super Patch FREEDOM Patch is essential: it harnesses cutting-edge technology and a dedicated team of experts to provide effective relief and support for optimal well-being, ensuring you can live your life to the fullest without limitations. Also 🌿 Natural Ingredients: Formulated with natural extracts that are gentle on your skin and promote relaxation. 👍 Convenient Application: Easy to use with a discreet design that adheres comfortably to your skin, allowing you to move freely during the night.

Don’t let pain or sleeplessness hold you back! Try the REM Pain and Sleep Patch from the Super Patch Company today and discover the difference it can make in your life. Embrace each day feeling energized and ready to tackle anything that comes your way!




Disclosure: We were not compensated for this post. However, we did receive products from the company listed above, and I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC guidelines.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

14 thoughts on “Introducing the Super Patch Company REM Sleep and FREEDOM PAIN Patch—a game-changer for your daily life!

  • Hhhhmm….I am so interested in learning more about the sleep patch. It’s my first time seeing anything like it and it could come in handy for me, some day.

  • I found this article on the Super Patch Company’s REM Sleep and Freedom Pain Patch incredibly insightful! It’s fascinating to see how innovative patches like these can significantly improve sleep quality and alleviate pain. I’m particularly interested in the REM Sleep Patch.

  • I have always been sceptical about patches that claim to help you, but your review makes me want to try them! I really do struggle to sleep.

  • Ooh I love the variety of different aids they offer. I think a sleep patch would be great…my sleep pattern has been so off lately and I just can’t seem to fix it. Also the muscle aches one sounds great. Thanks for sharing!

  • The idea of using pain/sleep patches is intriguing, and it’s wonderful to hear about the potential benefits like improved sleep, pain relief, better mobility, and even boosted metabolism. The Super Patch Company seems to offer promising solutions to enhance overall well-being and quality of life. Definitely worth checking out!

  • Super sleep patch!!! I didn’t know such a thing existed! I gotta try these for sure. Thank you so much…

  • These would be perfect for women going through menopause. Sleep just doesn’t happen a lot. Great idea.

  • Sounds fantastic! I used to use ones like these on my tummy during periods and on my mower back before I had my surgery. Thanks for sharing!

  • These sound like a wonderful sleep support to have. An awesome product indeed!

  • I could use that pain patch on my lower back! It gets a bit achy towards the end of the day and a little relief would be great.

  • Wow, these patches sound amazing! I could use a new form of sleep support and these sound very promising.

  • This sounds like the perfect sleep solution! Sometimes all we need is a little bit of support to get a good night’s sleep, and this is the product for it, clearly!

  • I need to try these. I have restless legs and they make it so hard to sleep at night between the fidgeting and the pain.

  • Thanks for the review on these patches – I look forward to another review from you after you try it on your back. The sleep patch is something I could use and glad it worked for you given all the stressors you’ve faced recently.


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