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How To Successfully Grow Cannabis Plants Indoors

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Considering the several health benefits that cannabis can give, it might have occurred to you to try growing these plants indoors. With its legalization that’s vastly spreading in several US states, more and more people are allowed to grow marijuana in their own homes, providing them with their own supply.

Assuming that you’re from one of those legal states that are allowed by law to grow and harvest cannabis plants, you need to know that this is a delicate process. There are several factors that you have to consider before you take a plunge into the unknown–the journey of growing cannabis plants indoors. 

From the best LED Lights to use for lighting and some indoor space tips to finding the right soil, you’ve got a lot of learning to do.

Setting Up Your Indoor Grow Room

Planting your cannabis indoors is a great idea due to a lot of reasons. For instance, you can have it hidden from the judging eyes of your neighbors and, more importantly, you won’t have to worry about potential thieves that may break in and steal your precious leaves. Additionally, it’s easier to control the environment in indoor growing since you’re not essentially tied to unpredictable weather and the different seasons. Some growers choose to skip certain growing phases by opting for cannabis clones. Cannabis clones are cuttings taken from a mature cannabis plant that can be rooted and grown into a genetically identical plant. They offer several advantages for indoor growers. For instance, cannabis clones provide consistency and uniformity in terms of genetics, as they are taken from a healthy and established mother plant, and save time and effort for the growers. They inherit the mother plant’s desirable traits, such as potency, flavor, and yield. Instead of germinating seeds and waiting for them to develop into seedlings, clones are already-established plants that can be transplanted directly into the grow room. However, it is important to note that opinions on the way of growing cannabis may vary among different growers.

One of the most essential aspects you need to think of when growing cannabis plants indoors is the dedicated space. The grow room is where you’ll be growing and cultivating the plants, so it needs to be of adequate size and condition. You don’t really need an enormous size of grow room, especially if you plan on starting on a small scale. It can be a spare room, a cabinet, or a small tent–basically, any unused space is possible.

Here are other things to remember when creating your grow room:

  • Make sure the space is clean and sanitized. A messy grow room can attract mold, harmful bacteria, and pathogens. To avoid this, schedule a cleaning routine at least twice a week so you can keep the space clean and safer for your cannabis plants.


  • If you don’t want your venture to be extra expensive to set up, start small. 


  • You might also need to check with state laws regarding the number of plants allowed indoors. Some states only allow six plants, while others let indoor growers have up to 12 plants.


  • Be mindful of the equipment and tools that you need to place inside the grow room, such as ducting, fans, and other equipment. The space should be able to accommodate them all.

It’s also worth noting that marijuana plants can double up in size once they reach the early flowering stages. Adequate headspace is necessary so you can still move around and work on your plants.

Choosing Your Cannabis Grow Lights

The light source you have in your indoor grow room is highly significant in concluding the quality of your cannabis plants. Since you won’t be able to tap into the power of natural sunlight, you need dependable grow lights that’ll support the plants–starting from vegetation to when they start flowering. 

A regular lightbulb won’t be useful because plants as delicate as cannabis require a light source of the right spectrum, yield, wattage, and color. Light-emitting diode (LED) lights are considered the best type of light source because of several good reasons. Aside from creating less heat, LED lights can generate light in a fuller spectrum, resulting in better quality and bigger yields. LED lights are also durable and more energy-efficient.

Shopping For Soil

Quality potting soil is highly recommended for first-time cannabis growers. This type of soil contains just enough nutrients for your marijuana plants to ensure a healthy growth cycle. In case you need a more specific name when shopping for soil, other terms for quality potting soil are super-soil and pre-fertilized soil.

As for the containers, you can opt for cloth bags or standard plastic pots. If you have the budget, you can also go for more expensive options, such as air pots or smart pots, that can help improve airflow.

Final Words

If you’re really determined to start growing cannabis plants in your home, there’s so much to learn and understand. You also need to look into climate control and the regulation of humidity and temperature of your grow room to help ensure the success of your indoor growing endeavor.

Once you’ve successfully learned to grow your marijuana plants, you’ll also be looking into a cannabis extraction method that works for you. After which, of course, you’ll be reaping the benefits of your hard work.

The process may be delicate and somewhat challenging but if you arm yourself with the right research, information, tools, and equipment, you’d feel less intimidated by it. Who knows, you might actually enjoy this experience and eventually discover your inner green thumb.



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