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Home & Garden

How to Prepare to Prepare for a Move.

Preparing for a move can be extremely stressful and time consuming but it doesn’t have to be. There are ways to prepare to prepare for your move and that is what I want to help you with. These are things that need to be done many weeks before you ever pack a box or touch packing paper.

Go through your stuff

Before you start packing things that your probably going to get rid of after you move anyways let it go now. Look around at all your furniture and decide what you want to toss, sell, donate, or replace. Go through the kitchen and get rid of old cooking and serving ware that you will never use again. Send the hubby out to the garage to get rid of all the unused things out there. Have your kids go through all their toys and help them pick out the stuff that they do not play with anymore. Getting rid of things that you don’t use any more help you pack less and have less to worry about when you move into your new home.

Find all the trash

Go through every room in your house and find all the trash. This can include old papers, broken things, out dated coupons, old magazines, etc. You will be shocked and blown away at how much trash your house has been holding.

Go through the closets

When moving clothes and shoes can be one of the most annoying things to pack and transport. Go through every closet in your house and find all of the clothes that don’t fit or are out of style and find all the shoes with holes and tears. This step in preparation can also include going through drawers and finding all of the things you don’t need anymore. I promise you don’t need 40 pairs of white socks.


Organizing before you move will help you so much when it comes to packing. The worst thing when you are unpacking boxes in your new home is finding a shoe in the box with all of the silverware. If you organize your old home before for you start packing up it will help you pack similar things together and prevent you from throwing last minute random things you find into random boxes.

Inform your friends and family

When you find out the address and exact moving date to your new home send out emails or texts to all of your friends and family informing the of this information. This will prevent all of the random calls and texts around the holidays asking for your new address and your friends and family not knowing where they need to go to visit you at your new home.



Author bio: Ally is a writer for Smith Monitoring, the best in Kansas City home security and home security system Houston. She is an expert mover and will never live in a house with so much trash again.


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