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Home & Garden

 How to Keep Your Office Energy Efficient

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COVID-19 has made many people happy in terms of introducing them to a new way of life – working from home. Of course, it’s become a growing trend, and millions of people are now working from home permanently. 

The virus has also shown us how scarce jobs and money are and you’ve got to find every which way you can to ensure that your home office becomes energy efficient without altering your excellent productivity. 

Being cold is debilitating

Working from home has so many benefits and your productivity has increased. However, your home office might be on the wrong side of the house so that it doesn’t get the sun. With a slim, sleek wifi controlled electric radiator, you’ll be able to adjust and manage your heating from wherever you are simply using your smartphone.

The beauty about these energy efficient radiators from BestElectricRadiators is that you benefit from long-term benefits and your electricity bill is going to be as low as it can get. That’s because 100% of the electricity used for the electric radiator is converted into heat. So less energy is required to run an electric radiator.

Installation is super easy, too, because there is no complicated wiring and pipe-work. You just attach it to the wall with the brackets that come with it. Little maintenance will be required as the simple style means little that can go wrong. And no inner fuel means no nasty carbon-monoxide fumes.

Environmentally friendly blinds

You’ll love the trendy look that attractive blinds can give to your new home office. Whatever your style, you can choose from cool pastels to hot, exciting colors. Those concerned for the planet can have their blinds made from environmentally friendly materials.

Bamboo and wooden blinds are environmentally friendly and they provide insulation against the heat and cold. This makes them a practical choice for window blinds. Energy-saving thermal blinds reflect heat into the room, and you’ll be comfortably warm and won’t have to rely on electric heating. 

Blinds can be made to fit your office’s windows. They can be made with stylish materials such as wood or bamboo, but you can also choose fabric roller blinds, made from a single sheet of material. Blinds like these can even cope in moist areas. They simply transform a dull window in the most energy-efficient way.

 Quieten your team of machines 

With the variety of machines you get today, you can rig up your home office in such a way that you never have to commute to any of your colleague’s places. This alone can save time and fuel. You want to get into the habit of making sure these machines don’t consume the electricity you’re trying to save. 

Make sure computers and all other equipment you have been turned off when you’re not using them for long periods. You just have to remember that quite a few electronic devices use standby power even when turned off. 

Set office equipment such as your printer to automatically switch to sleep mode when not in use. This is a wise move and helps to keep your machines cool, saving energy and ensuring you extend the life of the machines as well. 

 Choose energy efficiency 

Soon winter turns to summer. If your home office becomes too hot for comfort, why not consider the wonderful, more natural cooling efforts of a ceiling fan as opposed to an electricity-guzzling aircon? 

Energy Star certified products use way less energy than standard models. A lot of money is spent on lighting too, but by switching to LEDs, you can save a small fortune as they use a fraction of the energy of incandescent lights/

Enjoy generous savings on your electric bill. The energy efficiency of LEDs will help cut down on CO2 emissions too, so you can feel good that you’re doing your part in being more environmentally friendly as they don’t have harmful materials such as mercury and they can be recycled.

Go green

Many studies have been done to prove the many benefits that greenery in the office brings. They reduce stress and anxiety, and this, in turn, increased productivity. 

 While you’re taking in oxygen, plants such as the Peace Lily, the Philodendron and Spider Plant, among many others, are absorbing carbon dioxide, making the air cleaner for you to breathe. 

 Plants also help to reduce noise levels as they absorb sound and can reduce a lot of noise going on around you in other parts of the house. Plants boost creativity simply because you feel more relaxed.  




Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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